<p>Press coverage:</p>
<p>This is pretty funny, and there's a point to be made.</p>
<p>Press coverage:</p>
<p>This is pretty funny, and there's a point to be made.</p>
This Act may be cited as the `Restore Patriotism to University Campuses Act'
<p>Just as i thought, a republican congressman trying to show that he's "patriotic" and "tough on terror" and all that other bullcrap. </p>
<p>Oh and look at that:</p>
“If the left-wing leaders of academia will not support our troops, they, in the very least, should not support our adversaries,” Hunter said in a statement before he offered the cut-off measure last week.</p>
<p>But Hunter, who’s also seeking the Republican presidential nomination, didn’t stop there, eager to capitalize on conservative anger over the school’s decision to offer a forum to the controversial Iranian leader.
<p>(emphasis mine) .....do i even need to say anything or can everyone figure it out from here?</p>
emphasis mine) .....do i even need to say anything or can everyone figure it out from here?
<p>No, please, say more. I can not figure it out from here. Enlighten us! Thanks.</p>
<p>From what I understand, MovieBuff is a tool.</p>
<p>ok MovieBuff, this post is since what's happening isn't getting through to you. </p>
<p>if you ask me - maybe it's finally occuring to Hunter that his repub nomination campaign is going to hell, and in a risky attempt to salvage ground, he's (probably counter-productively) targeting these petty non-issues. </p>
<p>Any antic, any political experiment to get attention. I mean for a presidential candidate to be spending time preparing a bill to cut funding to a university for calling one anti-american guest, shows just how desperate Hunter is to get some media attention. let's not forget that Bollinger attacked him, hunter isn't blind that this portrayed Columbia as anti-A and pro american. So C2002 - if your "point to be made" was not sarcastic, and you think there actually was a point to be made -here's the point: Hunter isn't going anywhere, few have even heard of him, he's going to these great lengths to get media attention.</p>
<p>there is no doubt in my or most people's minds that A.'s visit was beneficial to the students at the university. This is what the univ administration should care most about. After his invitation, and columbia getting negative media coverage from the right, there was no other option but to pacify right wing media by attacking A. </p>
<p>Heaven forbid if Hunter actually believes in the bill - his lack of reasoning skills must come as a shock to most of us.</p>
<p>collegeconfidential, if Coumbia was getting attacked from the right for the invitation; now unfortunately is being attacked from the right and also from the LEFT. The liberal media has really portrayed the whole thing as an Ahmmadejan WIN. That's a major point to be that seem to be ignored around here.</p>
<p>On another point, Hunter is an idiot.</p>
<p>"That's a major point to be that seem to be ignored around here."</p>
<p>it's ignored or not argued against because it has nothing to do with the thread, this thread is about hunter and his bill, not some general discussion on ahmadinejad's invitation.</p>
<p>well, he'll sure have my vote for President.</p>
<p>edit: he should have the bill also cut off funding for George Bush, since the Bush administration permitted Ahmadinejad to enter the country in the first place. What a slap in the face to our servicemen and women!</p>
The liberal media has really portrayed the whole thing as an Ahmmadejan WIN.
<p>to add to what confidentialcoll said, in order to believe that this is a valid point you would have to buy into the claim that the media is "liberal" and has an agenda and blah blah which of course is an argument made mostly by fox news which doesn't at the same time admit that they are right wing....they say that they're fair and balanced and others r liberal.....oh and not to mention this isn't an issue that you can divide on party lines as the republican talking points would want you to think....this isn't about our troops, it isn't about iraq, and it isn't about patriotism. But yea, i digress from the topic of this thread.....MovieBuff, don't try to steer every thread into a mudslinging battle....and WHY ARE YOU STILL ON THIS BOARD???</p>
<p>Wait, but if you look at it, even Fox News is more liberal than they say.</p>
C2002 - if your "point to be made" was not sarcastic,
<p>It's typical politician nonsense where they introduce stupid bills that are never going to go anywhere just to make a point. Congressmen/senators do this all to get attention -- which they ALL desperately crave -- whether or not they're running for president. He's bringing to peoples' attention something that many believe to be problematic, as absurd what the bill actually calls for.</p>
<p>"One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyranny"</p>
<p>Bertrand Russell</p>
<p>^ do you actually think about what you write, or is it just an involuntary impluse?</p>
<p>wow! now it's a masochistic to listen to someone. Ow my God, my stomach is filled, i'm not in prison and he's talking, NOOOOOO the horror!</p>
<p>dude, by that reasoning, we shouldn't pay attention to anything, noone here is in any serious danger of starving or going to prison. perhaps also you shouldn't subject us to the tyranny of your opinions on this thread ;).</p>
<p>actually wait, wait, maybe just maybe if we shut our ears tight enough to A's policies and ideas, we'd undermine international understanding and then do something crazy like war in Iran or something else equally stupid. then it might just become a matter of starvation or imprisonment.</p>
<p>"He's bringing to peoples' attention something that many believe to be problematic, as absurd what the bill actually calls for."</p>
<p>it's idiotic to use a congressional bill to bring attention to something. And the only reason he's doing it, is because the media doesn't give two f**ks what the guy thinks, as they perhaps shouldn't, so whipping out a bill is the only route to air time. we all know that many disagree with A's invitation, but a bill to cut funding is beyond ridiculous.</p>
it's idiotic to use a congressional bill to bring attention to something.
<p>Congressmen do a lot of things that are idiotic. Initiating silly bills is one such idiotic thing, and it's done all the time by the rank-and-file to the leadership.</p>
<p>Personally, I'd rather have them wasting time debating defunding Columbia or whether to condemn Rush Limbaugh than passing some bill to waste Americans' hard-earned money. </p>
so whipping out a bill is the only route to air time.
<p>Most Congressmen do whatever it takes to get more airtime, attention, etc. You think this guy is unique?</p>
<p>"You think this guy is unique?"</p>
<p>not particularly, but he is especially idiotic in that he has minimal support, thinks he has a shot at president, and is now jepordizing his miniscule chances. </p>
<p>"Personally, I'd rather have them wasting time debating defunding Columbia or whether to condemn Rush Limbaugh than passing some bill to waste Americans' hard-earned money."</p>
<p>we differ here, just cuz congress generally sux, doesn't mean they should be useless to avoid negativity, uselessness is negativity. and they're going to waste hard earned money no matter what, might as well try and spend it right, instead of worrying about petty non-issues.</p>
not particularly, but he is especially idiotic in that he has minimal support, thinks he has a shot at president, and is now jepordizing his miniscule chances.
<p>As with most of the non-top-tier candidates, they're not really running for president to be president. They're doing it for media attention, to get their views out, to get their name out, so that they can command larger speaking fees / book advances / lobbyist salaries in their post-congress careers, etc.</p>
and they're going to waste hard earned money no matter what, might as well try and spend it right, instead of worrying about petty non-issues.
<p>You're kind of right that they're pretty good at wasting money no matter what. But I still think that the less time they devote to the "serious" issues, the less they'll spend. It takes time and effort for them to waste money. Along these lines, I'm happy to have them taking "recesses" all the time and starting the weekday on Tuesday and ending it Thursday afternoon.</p>