had to retake a class after failing but still got into pharmacy school?

<p>Hi all</p>

<p>Long story short I'm 22 and have been on a path to pharmacy school. I played sports then had a baby so my path has been longer than the 6 year path. I decided to power through this next year and get the rest of the classes I need for pharmacy school (orgo 1/2, Calc-based physics 1/2, and bio 2) then take the pcat. but I'm miserable and I feel like I don't stand a chance of getting in because I failed organic chemistry at my old school was retaking it when i got pregnant and had to withdraw and have just withdrawn again at my new school because I couldn't handle all of those classes plus a baby. I also failed biology 2 at my old school and am now retaking it, I have a good grade now but my transcript still looks awful. I recieved straight A's in all the other requirements like chem 1/2 , bio 1, and even calc 1 and 2. Im feeling very down on myself and disappointed in myself. I used to think it was situational why I failed those classes that one semester and why I can't handle orgo but now I'm starting to think maybe this just isn't for me...which is very tough considering how far I've come. But then I also think maybe this is just pressure everyone goes through when they are trying to become a professional. Has anyone ever failed a class (or multiple) then had to retake it but still got into pharmacy school? If I have my bachelors in chemistry will I have a better chance even if I retool some classes? Should I just consider other options because it shouldn't be this difficult for someone to pass organic chemistry? Would love to hear from someone who has been there this is kinda a cry for help before I do something drastic like change my major </p>

<p>My husband withdrew from his first OChem class after struggling badly in it. Retook it and completed the sequence, was accepted to pharmacy school (two of three actually) where he did great, and is a successful pharmacist-great at his job. You have several challenges, and you need to come up with some achievable goals–improve study strategies, successfully complete each class you have yet to take, get your bachelor’s degree ( yes it will help to have finished that), PCAT, pharmacy school. One thing at a time. Good luck to you. </p>

<p>Pharmacy school is really competitive most acceptance rate is like <10%</p>

<p>Not true^</p>

@Madison85 do you know what’s the acceptance rate for pharmacy school?

Which particular pharmacy school are you asking about?

Just google ‘pharmcas’ and the name of the pharmacy school and you should be able to find it on the school pages.