<p>Hi all</p>
<p>Long story short I'm 22 and have been on a path to pharmacy school. I played sports then had a baby so my path has been longer than the 6 year path. I decided to power through this next year and get the rest of the classes I need for pharmacy school (orgo 1/2, Calc-based physics 1/2, and bio 2) then take the pcat. but I'm miserable and I feel like I don't stand a chance of getting in because I failed organic chemistry at my old school was retaking it when i got pregnant and had to withdraw and have just withdrawn again at my new school because I couldn't handle all of those classes plus a baby. I also failed biology 2 at my old school and am now retaking it, I have a good grade now but my transcript still looks awful. I recieved straight A's in all the other requirements like chem 1/2 , bio 1, and even calc 1 and 2. Im feeling very down on myself and disappointed in myself. I used to think it was situational why I failed those classes that one semester and why I can't handle orgo but now I'm starting to think maybe this just isn't for me...which is very tough considering how far I've come. But then I also think maybe this is just pressure everyone goes through when they are trying to become a professional. Has anyone ever failed a class (or multiple) then had to retake it but still got into pharmacy school? If I have my bachelors in chemistry will I have a better chance even if I retool some classes? Should I just consider other options because it shouldn't be this difficult for someone to pass organic chemistry? Would love to hear from someone who has been there this is kinda a cry for help before I do something drastic like change my major </p>