<p>Where do the guys go for a hair cut near USC? Is there a Hair Cuttery or similar shop near USC? Thanks.</p>
<p>I usually go to the SuperCuts right across Vermont from Gate 5? It’s next to Smart n’ Final and Taco Bell. It’s nothing fancy, but it works. Just call ahead of time and they put you in a queue and tell you when to go. I’m definitely finding a different place when I get a car, though.</p>
<p>Yeah, its right across Vermont across from KAP hall.</p>
<p>Who calls it a hair “cuttery?”</p>
<p>That’s the name of the place lol. Its a chain of hair cut places.</p>
<p>[Hair</a> Cuttery:: Color . Cuts . Style](<a href=“http://www.haircuttery.com/]Hair”>http://www.haircuttery.com/)</p>
<p>Hair Cuttery is a known local chain of hair cut places. I thought they might also be in LA. Super Cuts is probably the same thing. Thank you so much for mentioning Super Cuts.</p>
<p>Even after graduation last May, my son still goes to Super Cuts in the UV. (He works downtown.) And his hair still looks bad.</p>
<p>Ok, now it makes sense</p>