Half Credit Course A-G

Hi all,
After submitting my UC application, I came to the realization that two of the classes I listed under a-g classes may not be. for context, they are full-year academic course, but on my transcript, they are only listed as half credit. I emailed the admissions department regarding this, but was just wondering whether or not I was wrong to include this.

Letting admissions know will not hurt your chances. You want your self-reported information to match your transcript.

@gumbymom Okay, thanks. I knew it wouldn’t hurt my chances, but I was just wondering whether or not they I was wrong in including them in a-g. I didn’t see anything about half-credit courses, only full-year courses, which they were.

If they are a-g courses, then you are required to include them.

@Gumbymom They were a music course and a filmmaking course, so I believe they were a-g

Are you In-state or OOS? In-state applicants can look up their HS courses and if they meet the a-g requirements on this website.


If OOS, you could look up the course by name to see if there is a comparable course listed.

Yeah, there were comparable courses listed, so I believe that they do count as a-g. I’ll wait and see what they say in response to my email