
<p>Happy Halloween everyone! DS is in mourning as he realized this will be his last Halloween at home. He goes all out and always tries to turn my house into Howl-O-Scream but too many young kids keep me from allowing him to make it ridiculously scary. My husband and I assured him that there will be more excitement on Halloween in a college environment.</p>

<p>How do Owls celebrate Halloween? Do you feel it in the air today?</p>

<p>My daughter (a freshman) told me she’ll be wandering around campus singing “halloween carols” tonight–halloween lyrics sung to Christmas tunes. I don’t know if that’s a longtime Rice tradition or something new, but it sounds like fun.</p>

<p>There will be quite a few private parties today. </p>

<p>Also, Brown is hosting a public party tomorrow night, a Halloween Party (obviously), that came about after Margaritaville was canceled several weeks ago. Yall should come tomorrow night! Current Rice students, of course. It’ll be lots of fun. “You’ll be screaming all night long” as the Facebook event says :wink: Cheesy line, but it works.</p>

<p>I saw a lot of Rice students in costume today, some more quirkier than the others…</p>

<p>Oh, and don’t forget Baker 13 is happening tonight as well!</p>

<p>The Joker sat in front of me in math today, I saw a Gorilla chasing a banana and Batman was walking around south colleges.</p>

<p>We had an epic chase scene around hanszen today involving a guy in a gorilla suit and a guy in a banana suit. </p>

<p>Some people are going “canned-good trick-or-treating” for charity. Ditto regarding the abundance of private parties tonight. Probably a rather large Baker 13. Brown tomorrow!!</p>

<p>efs001, The Joker is a friend of mine, and I’m in Math102 too!</p>

<p>Eravial08, I know the Joker too. He’s also in my chem class.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure there are a bunch of Jokers going around this Halloween.</p>

<p>Martel had a badass Baker 13 face-off, for what it’s worth: we spent at minimum an hour filling up water balloons after classes, used up all of them, and I still ended up covered in other people’s shaving cream. I think the fact that I’m posting this at 3 am notes the number of private parties. Wiess came along singing Christmasoween carols before Baker 13 hit, and they somehow managed to work in a good number of anti-cheers…;)</p>

<p>Who was the Joker in class? Someone in Hanszen?</p>

<p>Thanks all! I’m printing this for DS to put a smile on his face as he goes in this morning to take his last SAT II.</p>

<p>dlachaim – you can also show your son some photos from the Rice site from the past week – there are number of photos of students in Baker participating in a pumpkin carving contest: [Rice</a> University Official Page’s Photos - The Week in Images: Oct. 31 | Facebook](<a href=“http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=64820&id=28331765549]Rice”>Redirecting...)</p>

<p>We had a nice Baker 13 stand off too. We filled all the trash cans on the floor that we could lift with water and dumped them over the balcony Sid style. We had fun shouting cheers and anti-cheers at all the colleges around us (Wiess, Will Rice and Lovett).
And silentsailor, the Joker that I was talking about is from Hanszen. He’s a really cool guy.</p>

<p>Those “week in images” photos are so boring… not at all what Rice is all about. They may be good pictures, but not representative of what the week was really like…</p>

<p>For example: I spent my week studying for and then taking physics tests.</p>