hamilton honor code

My sons prof told several
people that their hw looked too similar to one on a web site so they must have cheated. He has never cheated. He is a tired, lonely freshman working his arse off and liked this teacher. He did great on midterms. Does he actually have to defend himself only 8 weeks in? Is this a harbinger of the next 4 years so he should transfer now? Has the world gone mad?

Your son can discuss his position with his professor during office hours. If your son assumes good faith on the part of his professor, the conversation should result in an amicable understanding.

This seems like only part of the story. Were your son and classmates sanctioned or penalized for cheating? He needs to speak with the professor in an non-emotional manner, if that hasn’t already happened. I would also encourage him to speak with his advisor.

That’s difficult and upsetting. I would encourage your son to talk with his academic advisor too. Hopefully it will all be resolved. Being lonely makes it all feel worse, and seems like an important issue to follow up on as well. Good luck to you in helping your student cope with these challenges.

Thank you for the words of support. Not easy to send your child a few thousand miles away and then hear this.

Waiting to hear back from dean. This school really only gives two chances so if this goes to honor court, think I may talk to him about transferring. Wish they would have spent more time on presenting honor code examples in orientation, rather than the outdoor program.