Hammond Scholarship 2013

<p>Hello! Just wanted to start a thread for this. I got an email today about my interview time. If anybody has more information about that weekend, please post. I'm very curious and I feel like we don't have much information. Thanks!</p>

<p>My interview is at nine. And I agree with you, there is almost literally no info on this process!</p>

<p>You will become the experts for next year’s questions! Good luck in your interviews.</p>

<p>Does anyone have an idea of how many people will be interviewing?</p>

<p>will any of you be attending that live chat session on Wednesday the 20th? I won’t be able to, but I have many questions!</p>

<p>Haven’t heard about the live chat session. Post details. I’ll also have my daughter check her email. Her interview is scheduled for 940am on March 23rd. Best of luck to all of the candidates. Be Blessed.</p>

<p>I’m doing the live chat session. So excited!</p>

<p>Are any of you all going to Harambee weekend as well??</p>

<p>Can’t do both Harambee and Hammond :-/ We can’t afford two trips to miami that close together.</p>

<p>couldn’t make the live session! :/</p>

<p>anything big I missed?</p>

You didn’t miss anything major. It was mostly a discussion about UM itself rather than the program.</p>

<p>@nataliediala ok thanks!</p>

<p>One last question! Do our parents come to the mixer?</p>

<p>I just received the call that I was awarded a Hammond Scholarship! Good luck to everyone else! :)</p>

<p>So nervous now…congratulations!</p>

<p>@nataliediala: Congratulations! thanks for posting…still waiting</p>

<p>Just got the call. I am officially a Hammond Scholar :). So excited right now. College is officially paid for. I actually got the call April 1st, but wasn’t home to receive the official call. Good Luck to the rest of you all. </p>

<p>Sent from my ADR6425LVW using CC</p>

<p>Congrats! I got it too (:</p>

@MrAPMan‌ @adel30‌ hey guys u have my scholarship interview on march 27th and was just wondering if u guys could give me an idea of ur stats. I want to go in with an idea of where I stand in the competition pool