Hammond Scholarship Hopefulls

<p>Hey guys!
So as we wait to hear back, I thought that this would be a good tread to post stats, talk about the scholarship or whatever else you feel like, so let's get this going!</p>

<p>I applied for the hammond scholarship and am waiting to hear back!
Does anyone know when scholarship winners are announced?</p>

<p>No idea! I am waiting here on pins and needles! Did you apply EA or RD? And when did you send in your Hammond application?</p>

<p>I know, same here! I applied EA and sent in my scholarship app at the end of December. What about you?</p>

<p>RD and I sent my app in at the same time as you!</p>

<p>I applied early, and just got my notification and merit scholarship today :grin: now waiting for results on Hammond too see if they fill out what’s left money wise</p>

<p>Is it weird that i was invited to apply for the hammond but i got absolutely no scholarship from the application itself?</p>

<p>When do we hear?</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-VM696 using CC</p>

<p>@muzicmaker I don’t think that’s too uncommon. Do you know how many scholarships they usually give per year?</p>

<p>I’m another Hammond Scholarship hopeful. Applied EA and was accepted Friday with 15k scholarship. Got my acceptance packet today (still so happy). Now just waiting on Hammond and need based aid. </p>

<p>Good Luck To Everyone</p>

<p>Got an interview! Heading down for scholarship weekend!</p>

<p>My daughter received her invitation to interview March 22/23 for the Hammond scholarship. Very proud. Any information on additional detail surrounding the interview protocol would be extremely helpful. How many students are normally selected to interview and how many actually receive the award? Will they learn if they win while visiting for the interview weekend?</p>

<p>Made it to the second round. So Happy. Problem is, I’m going to be in Spain during that time.</p>

<p>Perhaps you can do the interview over the phone or Skype/Facetime video chat?</p>

<p>@bydata I believe they give out about 30 of the scholarships, but don’t take my word for it!</p>

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I doubt anyone would actually see this, but it’s worth asking anyway. First of all, congratulations to everyone who was chosen for the Hammond scholarship! I was just wondering, what sorts of questions were you asked on the interview? Thanks in advance. :]</p>