Hampshire college vs. Kenyon College- social scene

<p>Hi- I’m a rising junior at Kenyon College interested in transferring to Hampshire this spring. I’m looking for information about the social scene at Hampshire and have a few questions;</p>

<li><p>I realize Hampshire is “very liberal”—and politically, I hold what is considered as “liberal” views…HOWEVER, this is not what I am looking for. I am looking for an environment that isn’t afraid of having intellectual conversations with people on both sides of an issue, and has respect. Kenyon students, in general, lack respect most especially for more liberal viewpoints. Aside from being liberal, what is Hampshire like in terms of respect?</p></li>
<li><p>How prevalent is the drug scene at Hampshire? Are people who don’t do hard drugs in the minority? I know pot is widespread, but what about ecstacy, acid, heroin, and other drugs?</p></li>
<li><p>What is the Jewish population like at Hampshire?</p></li>

<p>That is all for now! Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Can you be more specific about the lack of respect for liberal viewpoints you encountered at Kenyon? Is this why you are transferring?</p>

<p>In part, yes. The majority of students at Kenyon are self-proclaimed Democrats/liberals, and there is a group that was highly involved in politics during the election and community service. However, I hold a different view of liberalism which is rooted in respect (especially for the opposite opinions) : I would recommend going to Kenyon: Students: Webmail: and read the archive of "all-stus" (all-student e-mails). There is definitely a contingent at Kenyon that shows disrespect for women, for current events (some allstus proclaimed things like "***** Terri Shiavo, let the b*tch die") and for individuals in the community. A freshman last year was criticized so much in allstus that he transferred solely because he was "infamous" and nobody wanted to be this kid's friend. </p>

<p>I also choose not to drink alcohol, which has been a tremendous obstacle for me at Kenyon. Parties, to me, are not a pleasant place to be if you don't drink. I know parties at Brandeis for instance that have themes where people dress up and there are snacks and balloons and games as well as alcohol. At Kenyon, people dress up for Halloween, and most infamously, "Shock Your Mama" where everyone pretty much comes as naked as they can possibly be.</p>

<p>Also, you will here there are "plenty of other things to do" but I haven't found this to be completely true. There are non-alcoholic events on weekends but often they are poorly attended. There is a shuttle bus to Mount Vernon for bowling nights, but I have gone when I am one of three people going bowling. Because I am not a drinker, I feel at a school that has at least a somewhat larger town (I am not a city-person), I will have more non-alcoholic options available to me.</p>

<p>I am just unable to stay here for those reasons. Another reason is that academically Kenyon does not have my major (Environmental Studies). </p>

<p>I'd be willing to answer whatever questions you have! Keep in mind this is only my perspective: if you talk to everyone at Kenyon you will have 1,600 different perspectives on the school. I'm sure there are some people who do not drink and have found their niche at Kenyon.</p>