Hampshire interview

<p>We have scheduled a visit and interview in September. What is the interview like at Hampshire and how should my d prepare? Thanks!</p>

<p>Both of our kids had Hampshire interviews, and most of the questions were pretty standard; Why do you want to go to Hampshire?, what traits do you have that would make you successful as a Hampshire student?, What questions do you have for us?</p>

<p>I am surprised at how many interviewees are not prepared for that last nearly-inevitable question. Surely prospective students must be wondering about some aspect of the school. </p>

<p>I suspect that interviewers are looking for students who understand the differences between Hampshire and other SLACs. It seems that too many prospective students mistake the lack of letter grades, major requirements and tests for a laissez-faire philosophy that would allow students to do whatever they wish. Such students are sorely disappointed when their faculty advisor starts inquiring about short- and long-term academic plans and written evaluations reveal the high expectations of most professors. </p>

<p>I would suggest that your daughter read about the Division system and talk to a couple of current students about their experiences prior to the interview. She should be able to show why she is a good fit at Hampshire, and should be prepared to ask detailed questions that demonstrate her knowledge of the system.</p>

<p>Thanks! About what I expected, but you never know without asking.</p>

<p>D just had her Hampshire interview–found many common intersts with the interviewer and really enjoyed the conversation. One question asked was “what is your spirit animal?” but that may have stemmed from other aspects of the conversation. By the time we got home the interviewer had already emailed her with a reference to an article they had discussed.</p>

<p>Definitely an involved, engaged admissions staff. My D had her interview on Monday, and the dean emailed her while we were in the car on the way home. Spirit animal didn’t come up, but she did say she was listening to D’s songs on myspace. There is DEFINITELY something to be said for having an interview early in the season, before things get crazy–talk about individual attention.</p>

<p>Is your D applying ED? I hope she’s happy with her outcome.</p>

<p>She’ll be applying EA, but not ED as we will be evaluating amount of merit awards in making our decision. And you?</p>

<p>ED. It would be wonderful to not have to spend all of senior year worrying about all this.</p>

<p>Our son was accepted ED, so we never experienced the whole multiple application/waiting game process with him. Our daughter was accepted EA, and she only had 2 other apps out there at the time, so that was pretty abbreviated too. We felt lucky (and I must confess to perhaps even some smugness) as we watched other kids and parents go through that extended hand-wringing phase.</p>

<p>Of course, the downside was dealing with an extended period of Senioritis.</p>