<p>Okay, so I pretty much have my final list of apply-to colleges.</p>
<p>Brown (reach)
Middlebury (reach)
Reed (match)
Wesleyan (match)
Bard (match? low match?)
Oberlin (match?)
Kalamazoo (low match? safety?)
Lewis and Clark (safety)
Hampshire (safety)
UMD College Park (Pretty much a shoo-in for statistical reasons and other reasons that I won't get into. Forced to apply.) </p>
<p>Anyways, I have to get rid of ONE, and I'm having difficulty choosing between Hampshire, Oberlin and Kalamazoo.</p>
<p>Hampshire: I've visited, and I really like its location (near amazing town of Northampton) and felt absolutely comfortable on campus. And it's in a consortium, which is a plus. But it has a crazy low attrition rate. Also, there's a fairly good chance I'll end up applying to grad school in the long run, and I've heard that a lot of grad schools don't really accept the alternative divisional thing Hampshire has going on. Anthropology dept???</p>
<p>Oberlin: Been on my list for awhile due to being a liberal kinda hippy-ish school and somewhere with a student body I can see myself feeling comfortable with. Also, it's cool that they have an awesome music conservatory, because people who are good at music are really nice to have handy. And the radio station rocks (yes, I streamed the radio stations of various colleges I was considering online, because music tastes are a good indicator of PERSONALITY). BUT: The location isn't that great, and I'm concerned that the anthropology department may not be as strong as at, say, Middlebury or another LAC.</p>
<p>Kalamazoo: Only recently began considering it, so I don't know too much. From what I've read, I like the K-Plan, and the fact that 80% of the student body goes abroad is great! Also, Kalamazoo? Probably the best name for a college ever. A LOT of Kalamazoo graduates go on to grad school, which I like, and crazy numbers also go on to the Peace Corps, which says a lot about the student body (in a good way). But I'm worried it might be kind of college-of-the-month. I tend to decide schools are perfect, obsess over them, and then, after a month or two, begin to notice flaws. Last year I thought I really wanted to go to NYU. Now? No way. Same with Sarah Lawrence, which came next, and Bennington after that.</p>
<p>I know I can always change my mind later, but I'd just really like to have that final list, just to have it. So if anybody has any idea which two I should choose, or has any info about any of those three, or thinks I should get rid of some other school on my list, or has a suggestion for another school to maybe add, I would be very grateful.</p>
<p>On a completely unrelated note, I'm eating a bowl of frosted mini wheats for the first time since I was 8... They're really good. I highly recommend them.</p>