~Happy Birthday Zinc!~

<p>**~~Happy Birthday~~

to one of our most loyal regulars here on the Miami board -


<p>I can't imagine what this board would be like without Zinc's regular posts - definitely not as interesting; that's for sure. We are sooo lucky that his D decided to attend the []_[]; otherwise another board would be blessed with his incredible insights, eagerness to help, and boundless enthusiasm : )</p>


<p>Happy Birthday!</p>

<p>Happy happy birthday! Or, in Miami-speak, Feliz Cumpleanos!</p>

<p>Happy Birthday! Your Miami wisdom is priceless! Go Canes!</p>

<p>Happy Birthday Zinc! And IM, I’ve never seen something like this on CC. Kudos to you.</p>

<p>Happy Birthday, and thank you for your input here on the Miami board!</p>

<p>Happy Birthday Zinc!! Here’s wishing you a Cane National Championship (in the near future) for your special day.</p>

<p>Happy birthday, Zinc!!</p>

<p>Thank you all, especially IlliniosMom! It has been a great pleasure “meeting” all of you on the boards. I was helped by so many people on CC (SVMMom, RankinR, others whose handles I can’t remember) while learning the ropes with my first and only child, it seemed very natural to pay it back for at least the classes of 2016 and 2017, or at least until my knowledge becomes stale. </p>

<p>I am humbled by the thought that I have been able to provide some information, guidance and reassurance as you navigated the turbulent waters of college admissions. I am looking forward to meeting some of you in person this August as the new school year begins. A bunch of us are staying at the Hampton in Coconut Grove - perhaps we can arrange a “meet and greet” of sorts.</p>

<p>I hope you all have a great summer and thanks again for the birthday wishes! :)</p>

<p>Zinc, We’re definitely up for a meet and greet! Not sure what day is best at this point, but perhaps after move in and during orientation!
Have a great summer as well. August will be here before we know it!</p>

<p>Unfortunately I will be long gone during orientation, as D is an OF so she moves in a week early. Maybe we can do a second meet up during family weekend.</p>

<p>Happy belated birthday Zinc! You have been a great help to all of us with answering questions/comments/insights about Miami. Enjoy!!!</p>

<p>I would also be down for a meet and greet. I could lead a collegeconfidential-exclusive tour, if anyone is down! ;)</p>

<p>Wow, I am very late to the party! LOL!</p>


<p>So glad to see all the love here. And thanks for reminding me that I need to make hotel reservations for move in pronto!</p>

<p>A meet-up would be fun. Hope it happens!</p>