I'm a Cane!

<p>So I did Stamps weekend this past weekend and it was really awesome to be given and shown so much detail about the university. They really showed that the administrative faculty truly do care about the students to a tremendous extent. The professors are also so intellectual yet down to earth and generally really awesome people.</p>

<p>I had visited the university before and I knew I liked it, but this weekend showed so much more about the U and what it has to offer, and I truly feel like it's a good fit for me.</p>

<p>So this weekend basically made up my mind, and I've decided to be a Cane! I haven't yet heard back from Stanford, Duke or Georgetown, but it no longer matters to me as I know I'm a fit at UM and I know it'll be good for me whereas I could potentially not "click" with the other three I haven't heard from. Needless to say, we'll be paying my $300 deposit this week! </p>

<p>GO CANES!</p>

<p>Congratulations SeekingUni!!! I don’t believe you will EVER regret this decision.</p>

<p>That’s so awesome SeekingUni! I was also at the stamps weekend, and I was telling my interviewer that if I hadn’t committed already I would’ve committed after this weekend :-)</p>

<p>That is exciting for both of you! congrats! I heard from IllinoisMom that she and her D were on my daughter’s tour. My D lost her voice today after giving so many tours and interviews yesterday. She loved the weekend, and it was really fun for her to be on the other side talking about how great Miami is. Good luck to both of you. I hope this week pasts quickly as you wait for news on scholarships!</p>

<p>We were indeed on dumbo11’s D’s tour and it was phenomenal! Her enthusiasm for the U really shows; she does a fantastic job and I can see why they have her giving tours constantly; she is the kind of student who represents the best of the U. </p>

<p>We are still down here enjoying the lovely weather (flights back on Monday fit our budget better than those on the weekend) and plan to go back to the U tomorrow one more time to explore a bit on our own, just to make sure it was really THAT beautiful, and not just a mirage. We are definitely going to sit on one of those gliders this time and get some pictures before we have to head back to frosty cold Illinois tomorrow night. </p>

<p>Then we have one week (they told us we would hear the results in one week, not two, this year!) of anxious waiting for the news; will she or won’t she be able to be a Cane?</p>

<p>Illinoismom93, so nice to meet you and your family this weekend! DD is definitely going to be a cane! She is actually researching roommates right now…just to see who is also enrolled! She is going to wait awhile to contact potentials! Enjoy your trip back to the U tommorrow…hopefully another sunny day in Paradise! Anxiously awaiting news from the weekend also. It was so much fun and a wonderful event all in all.</p>

<p>IllinoisMom, thanks for those nice words! Lucky you are still there. It is cold in the midwest today. If you have time, eat at The Rat tomorrow on campus. You can sit outside on one of those gliders and have lunch. It is a great way to feel like part of the campus, and the food is pretty good also. And DinDune, congrats on her decision!</p>

<p>dindune - It was so much fun meeting all of you - D didn’t know your son came to lunch too and was pretty confused when I kept mentioning him since she knew you were down here with your D! You’ve got to be thrilled at this point; she’s all set for the fall and hunting down a roommate already and next year you’ll have two in the same place - and it’s the perfect place : ) At least we’ll only have to wait a week for the news which is faster than last year and the first of those 7 days we get to spend here in gorgeous sunny Miami.</p>

<p>Dumbo11- We still have to check out Merrick Park, Sunset Place and the Grove; I saved your list and still have those on the to-do list for tomorrow, along with heading back to campus for lunch on a glider : ) We had already scheduled a dinner with H’s client for last night in the Brickell neighborhood and then today we had arranged to meet a good friend of mine who wanted to check out a Cuban art fair on the Miracle Mile and we had lunch there too. Tonight we are stuck in the hotel - ugh - while D works on tons of homework - missing two days of school means she has to do all the work she is missing while we are here and has SIX tests to make up on Tuesday when we return : ( </p>

<p>This is why she has never taken a day off before! Tomorrow we have a lot to see before we head back home : ) If we don’t see everything we’ll play catch up when we’re back down here for spring break in two weeks; wish we could just stay here until then…</p>



<p>That is the same sentiment my S expressed when he announced his decision to attend the U. He never regretted his decision for a moment and we were all very happy with the education he received and the opportunities he was afforded as a UM student and beyond. His UM degree has opened many doors. Both he (2009 grad) and his fianc</p>

<p>my-3-sons- Thanks for the suggestion and that’s going to be our stop (after we check out the campus again on our own) since D started coughing a bit last night (I’m hoping she is able to fight it off since she hasn’t been been sick since sophomore year) so we’re going to pare back the plans for today. </p>

<p>She’s just finishing the 12 hours of AP stats homework she was assigned (3 hours a night for the two days she missed plus both weekend days) and then we have decided to make her leave the room and she will have to finish all the other work, phone calls to set up fundraising projects, emails with teachers etc, from the airport and on the plane : ) I’m hoping they are doing this because spring break is coming up in two weeks and perhaps the plan is to assign no homework over break? It’s never happened yet with the AP teachers though, so unlikely. She will probably have mounds of AP practice tests to complete on our cruise along with papers to write too. Can’t wait until this schoolyear ends!!</p>

<p>Illinoismom - glad to hear that your weekend went well. I just found out that my son was a student interviewer this weekend, so I hope he was nice to everyone!!! Lol
The AP studying will pay off, as she will ace her tests and start freshman year with lots of credit hours!</p>

<p>VHFather - Everything you told us about the U was very accurate - she LOVED the U!!! Your son didn’t interview any illinois girls by chance, did he? She said her student interviewer was very nice!</p>

<p>I’m going to post a trip report now in the Singer/Stamps thread : )</p>

<p>Of course she did - I’m not the least bit surprised. If she ends up there, I can tell you she almost certainly won’t regret it. </p>

<p>I’m not sure who he interviewed, as his father, I’m lucky when he tells me anything!<br>
If anyone had my son as an interviewer, they would know by his hair. Think #0 buzz cut</p>

<p>my-3-sons–Pls clear out your inbox. I am trying to PM you, though nothing urgent.</p>

<p>^^^All clear!</p>