Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Wishing all the Bama forum visitors and all CC folks a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

<3 M2CK

I give thanks to you, m2ck, for introducing me to the Bama family. DS is about to graduate after 4 years of awesomeness at UA. Would never have happened without your advice. I know many others here share my sentiment, and wish you a perfect holiday . Thanks and Roll Tide!

Same to you, @mom2collegekids, you are a great asset to the CC forum. You advice and wisdom are invaluable.

Thanksgiving will be a more perfect holiday with a big Roll Tide on Saturday’s Iron Bowl. Hope all have an enjoyable holiday.

Such kind words. Thank you!

And, yes, @SOSConcern The weekend will be more perfect with an Iron Bowl victory!!

Hope Y’all had a great Turkey Day!!

Just saw this - Happy Thanksgiving back at you m2ck! I am very thankful for you and all your great 'Bama info.

Great job, Tide, in the Iron Bowl too!