Happy Thanksgiving!!!

<p>Happy Thanksgiving Parents. I'm certainly thankful for all of your valuable support and advice.</p>

<p>We started today at 8am at the "much too short" Philadelphia TGiving parade (all balloon floats were cut out due to winds - 1/2 of the rest of the stuff was cut out due to threats of rain - entire parade was 2 hours shorter than ususal). Best band was from Michigan. Our Mayor didn't participate - he's hiding, as usual.</p>

<p>Off shortly to mother-in-law's and then to aunt's. We're contributing tarragon encrusted salmon and string beans, as usual. Everyone is in great spirits. Thanksgiving is the best!!</p>

<p>Warm holiday wishes to you all :)</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving to you too, holiday wishes to you all. Made many friends here whom I haven't met but know are wonderful people! And I learnt a lot from you all - so I am thankful for the existence of CC!</p>

<p>As a newbie of a couple of weeks, I'd like to thank all the parents for sharing your stories and opinions. Since we have a school with an extremely high student/GC ratio, the personal time you spend on this board to educate is extrmely beneficial. THANK YOU!</p>