Harry Potter Midnight Showing

<p>Well I’m clearly not at the theater but that’s okay I’m not a harry potter fan… hope it was worth the lines:)</p>

<p>I just came home from the midnight screening! It was pretty spectacular. And I found Tom Felton RIDICULOUSLY ATTRACTIVE, which hasn’t happened since I was nine years old and watching Sorceror’s Stone for the first time.</p>

<p>Is it just me, or does HP6 is the worst Harry Potter movie to come out?</p>

<p>I don’t know aisgzdavinci, but a few of my friends watched it at midnight and they said the movies have gotten progressively worse. The first two were the best, third and fourth were alright, and fifth and sixth were below average. I also thought the first two were the best, maybe because they had Richard Harris playing Dumbledore instead of Michael Gambon and they stuck to the storyline of the novel a little bit more.</p>

<p>I saw it last night with no problems. I was scared at first because the theater was packed with people (and I even got there at 11:30 for a 12:10 showing) and there were a bunch of security guards/policemen. But I didn’t have anything to worry about and got in fine. </p>

<p>As for the movie, out of all the other movies, this one left out the most. They could have basically left out the whole half-blood prince plot because they didn’t explain it at all. With all the other movies, the title theme plays a serious role. In this one, it’s really not about that at all. I will say though that I thought this movie was more comical than all the others (or maybe it’s just when a whole theater is packed with people, it seems like someone is laughing at every little joke). I did enjoy the movie though. If you’re someone extremely obsessed with the books, you will be disappointed. They left out way too much of the book (I know, you have to make the movie two and a half hours long, but they could have done better). I’ll probably end up seeing it again with my mom so maybe I’ll catch more in a second viewing. I do encourage you all to see it. I mean…it’s Harry Potter!</p>

<p>i thought that as a film, this movie was one of the best made. </p>

<p>but as an adaptation of a book, it was disappointing</p>

<p>ya i thought the movie was fantastic, but like tht one scene with the burrow. ***? i was sooooo confused because I didn’t see a real point of it or an incentive of the death eaters. i felt like it was an excuse to show the relationship between ginny and harry better because they couldn’t show it too well. anyone else agree??</p>

<p>Yeah, that whole scene with the death eaters wasn’t even in the book. I think they just added that in to have Harry experience a death eater attack first hand instead of just hearing about them like in the book. </p>

<p>At my midnight showing, a lot of people dressed up in completely weird costumes. Some costumes didn’t even have anything to do with Harry Potter, they just used the movie as an excuse to dress up all weird.</p>

<p>I LOVED it. I saw it at 12:01 =)
It was by far the best one. I had to have my sister save me a spot in line at 6:00 because I had work untill 9:00. When I got there at 9, the lines were out of the theatre! But man, it was great.</p>

<p>WOW! Some people just can’t wait 12 - 16 hours for the next showing, which would be a whole less crowded than the odd midnight one.</p>

<p>I went to the 12:55 showing because all of the other showings before that were full and it was crazy crowded. The movie theater parking lot was completely full and the restaraunt next door’s parking lot was completely full AND the office building next door’s parking lot and parking garage was completely full. People were parking in the field next to the theater.</p>

<p>They made $22.2 million dollars from the midnight premier.</p>

<p>“WOW! Some people just can’t wait 12 - 16 hours for the next showing, which would be a whole less crowded than the odd midnight one.”</p>

<p>its not about just going to the first showing cause were too excited too wait. midnight show is always funnest with the most energetic people. this one guy ran to the front and started a wave after shouting wingardium leviosa -_-</p>

<p>K, so I bought my tickets beforehand online, so I was able to skip all the lines. It was awesome, cause the lines went all the way out to the side parking lots, and I would have lost a lot of time waiting.</p>

<p>SPOILER (If you’re using the ‘Fresh’ skin, sorry; this won’t be entirely invisible).
Lol, some scenes were pretty unexpected in terms of video. Like when Katy got cursed by the necklace. That was pretty freaky lol. As for the rest of the movie, there was a lot of wolf whistling and congratulatory clapping. Most of the theatre I was in agreed that the ending was kind of weak.

<p>On a side note, I had to wake up early to have oral surgery (to get rid of all 4 wisdom teeth) 5 hours after the movie ended. The only way this day could’ve been more eventful was if I got my AP scores in the mail.</p>



<p>Um I love how people are complaining (yet again) that the movie isn’t EXXXXXXXAAACTLY like the book. Who. Cares. It’s not the book. It’s a movie. Did anyone expect them to be able to film every scene EXACTLY the way that <em>you</em> pictured it in your head? No. I could complain about some scenes that I felt were unnecessary, and there were a LOT of things that I personally think should have been included. BUT. For a movie, I thought it was great. Really, it was HILARIOUS. They snuck so many sex and drug jokes past the screeners for that PG rating it’s not even funny. I loved it.</p>

<p>And yeah, I went to the midnight showing. I LIKE a packed theater. I like going with an enormous group of people (I went with a group of like 6 specifically, ended up knowing like 300 people at the theater. lol.) who are all completely pumped about the movie. I like midnight showings. LOL @ people who say “um can’t you wait 12 hours and go at a ‘normal’ time?” They’re missing the point.</p>

<p>I cried so hard for Draco :frowning: He was by far my favourite.
And uhh, so was Cormac :blush: (Actually I hated his character, he’s the typical jerk, lol)</p>

I agree, the ending was weak, I think it could have been better, and more exciting. It was the funniest one yet. My personal favourite was Slughorn: “Harry!”, Harry: “Sirrrr!” </p>

<p>^ Surprisingly they did a pretty good job of filming the scenes like they were in my head. It felt like I already saw some of the scenes, it was weird, lmao.</p>

<p>cormac mclaggen made the movie. not the best, though. i cant believe they left out dumbledores funeral. i heard that rumor a few months ago, but i still kinda hoped it was false.</p>

<p>and the whole phoenix thing at the end, it only made sense if you read the book. i dont think that those who only saw the movies would understand the significance of that, unless of course you remembered the chamber of secrets.</p>

<p>all in all, i was pretty disappointed. they tried to made it comical and romantic, which was underlying in the book, however it was just a bit too much on the screen.</p>

<p>also, there wasnt really an “air of mystery” within the plot. i wouldve liked to see a lot more of that. but yeahhh thats just my opinion.</p>

<p>That was one fantastic movie. Best Potter movie of all, imo.
I agree with the romantic scenes going a bit overboard, but hey, they had to show them “maturing” somehow. And there wasn’t really any plot progression until the second half…ending was well done but I hate that they skipped the funeral.
ALSO, only-movie-watching HP fans will be pretty confused by the whole Horcruxes/soul-splitting details…they didn’t go in depth on those. They explain it a lot in the book.</p>

<p>In the end, it just felt like a fabulous setup for Deathly Hallows. And thats the way its supposed to be. So I loved it. :P</p>

<p>one thing missing in most of the films are the house elfs! i thought kreacher would atleast make a small sppearance, since he turns out to be really valuable in the seventh book. and dobby, oh i hope they dont cut out his death scene in the next movie. we havent seen him since the chamber of secrets!</p>

<p>I loved the movie, can’t wait for the next one.</p>