Harry Potter Midnight Showing

<p>Is anyone else going tonight? I'm kind of worried because I'm 16 and you're not supposed to be out passed 11 o'clock w/o your parent/guardian. However, I am going with my sister who is 18. Should I be worried?</p>

<p>No you shouldn’t be worried because a). you won’t be the only one and you won’t get caught b). if you’re caught past curfew all they do is warn you and say you should go home and c). there’s a clause in most ordinances’ curfew rules that direct travel to and from movie theaters is exempt from the rules</p>

<p>And I may go or may not because the theater everybody’s going to is 40 minutes away and my parents might not let me:(</p>

<p>I’m worried because last week my sister bought tickets for the midnight showing of Bruno. She wanted to buy her friend a ticket too (her friend’s also 18) but they said they can’t allow her to buy the ticket because it’s past curfew for minors. They didn’t even say anything about the movie being R rated. They were only worried about age because of the time of the movie.</p>

<p>Yeah, I am going tonight with friends. Hopefully we won’t get in trouble because my friend’s dad is driving us. You shouldn’t worry about it. I went to the 5th movie when I was only 14 and didn’t get in any trouble at all. Just make sure you don’t be obnoxious and stay out of trouble.</p>

<p>My parents would definitely let me, but I’m just waiting for someone to invite me because I don’t want to drive 50 miles to the nearest theater by myself… I know plenty of people who have mentioned on Facebook that they’re going, but it’s so awkward when someone just inserts themselves into your plans…</p>

<p>I’m probably going to go. Me and my dad always see the movie together when it comes out</p>

<p>I’m going. Screw curfew besides I can pass as eighteen.</p>

<p>I guess I’m the only one not going. I can wait till the release it on DVD. I don’t want to be stuck in a theater full of snot-nosed kids for 2+ hours. I really can’t stand being around kids. </p>

<p>Besides, I still haven’t seen the last movie.</p>


<p>Going tonight, just have to beg my parents for a ride back. It’s sucks not having a car.</p>

<p>I have a midterm tomorrow. Probably shouldn’t stay up past 3 am.</p>

<p>^^youre still in school?</p>

<p>im going. my parents arent letting me, but i guess ill just walk out the fornt door any way.</p>

<p>Hell yes Im going</p>

<p>im going, but with my mom… lol. we’re both huge fans and she rly wanted to see the midnight showing with me. i gave in. it’s okay tho cuz my mom is cool and like half my friends are out of town.</p>

<p>I’ll be there. But I bought tickets two weeks ago.</p>

<p>I love seeing movies with parents…except when the movie’s named Bruno. I saw that with my dad last week and it was the most awkward experience I think I’ve ever had in a movie theater. I saw Borat with him and my sister 3 years ago but that wasn’t nearly as bad as Bruno. He loved Borat and he really wanted to see Bruno (and I did too) so I went with him. We both thought it was funny but who really wants to see basically gay male porn with their dads?</p>

<p>I’m going! I have tickets for a 12:03 showing, but we (brother, friends, and I) are going to try and meet up with another group who has tickets for the 12:01 opening. Of course those 2 minutes matter.</p>

<p>Apparently my parents think that going out with someone else at 12AM is a “security risk.” The movie theater is in a ritzy neighborhood. I’m turning 18 in a few months. ■■■.</p>

<p>I’m with Plattsburgh; I can wait until it comes out on DVD or at least a few weeks when the theaters aren’t absolutely packed. Besides, I like the movies but the books are better. Plus I have to wake up early tomorrow.</p>

<p>I wanted to go so bad, but I have to be at work tomorrow at 7:30 and I can’t function on less than three hours of sleep.</p>

<p>idk if its not sold out and my sister the only hp fan i know wants to go i will</p>