Harry’s Trees - December CC Book Club Selection

And because @VeryHappy and @Mary13 asked: the other book - besides Beheld - vying “for the dubious honor of least liked” 2020: The Red Address Book by Sofia Lundberg, Alice Menzies, Translator


I had never heard of The Queen’s Thief series until you mentioned it to the CC Book Club on a prior thread. I told my daughter, who was then hooked. She’s getting A Conspiracy of Kings for Christmas. Come to think of it, this is the same daughter who is getting Lab Girl on your recommendation. It’s really nice to have a personal shopper.


I’m currently reading The Far Field by Madhuri Vijay. I am halfway through and it’s really good — although I can’t make a final judgement until I’m finished and sure that plot developments don’t send the story off a cliff. It would have been a good book for discussion.


And because @ignatius asked, the other three on my nightstand are:
The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate
The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner
Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli

The last one is for a book club at my local library. We just had a wonderful discussion about A Gentleman in Moscow, which I reread for the occasion. I loved it even more this time. We’re being lead by a new librarian, and I think she’s going to be very good.


Are your library book discussions on Zoom or the like?

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Yes, we’re on Zoom. I’m really impressed with how our library has stepped up. In fact, I kinda like it more than the old days! But then, I was never one for “browsing” through the stacks – just for looking for specific books that have been recommended. Our lib has curbside service, so I just reserve the book and then usually pick it up the next day.


February should be a fun read! I was able to get Ayesha at Last as an ebook immediately and there is a 5 week wait for The One which would be right on time.
The physical book is available now but since I hurt my hand, holding heavy books has been a bit of a challenge.

What’s on my nightstand — nothing!

I’m still waiting for the next book in Louise Penny Gamache series. A lot of people seem to be reading the books at the same speed which makes it harder.

I stayed up late last night to finish The Great Believers. @jerseysouthmomchess — I didn’t find it a depressing book but it did make me tear up. Would be a great book to discuss if we decide to read it as group post-pandemic.

I also just finished reading The Searchers by Tana French. I like her writing but didn’t enjoy this book as much as her Dublin Murder Squad books. Too sleepy for my taste.

I had taken a break from Sayers but may go back to the next one this week.

Is anyone else having problems with the reply box? It’s jumping around like a wild horse and I lose half of what I type and my train of thought. :expressionless:

I just remembered that I also wanted to say that I really enjoyed A Gentleman in Moscow when I read it and also persuaded two friends to continue till the end when they were ready to give up on the book. Just beautiful written! I wish I had been part of the discussion here.


Thanks for weighing in on that, @anasmom, I too, got “salty discharge” as Seinfeld would describe being teary, happy to read your opinion about that book. ( my son now lives in Chicago area, so thought I may have had bias about the setting ect. ) even though parts were moving, it was an uplifting journey.

Now reading, “Where the Crawdads Sing” never have read this gem, are ya jealous I saved this one for these grim pandemic times, when a good book is needed ?

In the light, but -don’t- go -near -books, I recently read
Fannie Flaggs “ Welcome to the World, Baby Girl…ummmm 1 or most 2 stars.

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I love that we tell each other which books to avoid.


Ooh thanks for the reminder! I will read that as soon as I am finished with the latest Liaden book. (Sci fi/fantasy from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller).

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I have been trying to read through the Amazon Prime free books I pick every month. I seem to have a pattern of picking them and then not reading all of them. They usually are just okay. The last couple have been slightly better than usual, but not enough to recommend.

@mathmom Were you reading the Brandon Sanderson Stormlight series? The newest book is out. My son is currently reading it. I’ll probably pick it up after Christmas.

I’ll have to check out the Queen’s Thief series. I love a good series.

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@Caraid - The Queen’s Thief series is a favorite but consider the first in the series, The Thief, an appetizer. If you read it and it alone, you won’t yet understand why others love the series so. The Thief is a Newbery Medal Nominee - so written for a younger reader. The second in the series hooks you. It’s not just me saying this: read the first couple of reviews on GoodReads for both The Thief and second in the series The Queen of Attolia. Neither contain spoilers and, trust me, you don’t want to read a review that does. Both say essentially the same thing: read the first (and enjoy) but do so to get the second, third, …

@ignatius - Sounds good. I will check it out.

@Caraid: I don’t know how they pick the free Amazon Prime books each month, but I suspect they are purposely mediocre books so they can get more reviews. I’ve never encountered a free book that I really enjoyed. I don’t even bother with them now. Life’s too short and there are too many good things to read.


@VeryHappy - I probably would be better off not taking any of the free books since having them unread on my Kindle is driving me crazy!

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Just wanted to see if I could insert an image.


OMG, that’s gorgeous! No wonder Harry wanted to live there!! I do too!


That’s a nice one!


First I apologize for posting here but I cannot figure out this new format… How often are new books announced and when? I am too late for Harry’s Trees but would like to know the next selection.
Thank you!

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