Harry’s Trees - December CC Book Club Selection

Our December selection is Harry’s Trees by Jon Cohen. Set in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania, the novel tells the story of a recent widower who meets a young girl grieving the loss of her father. Together, they embark on an unusual adventure, inspired by a mysterious book provided by the town librarian.

Discussion begins December 1st. Please join us!

My copy arrived today at the library. I was thinking it would be smaller. :wink:

Picked up book from library yesterday

I got mine from the library already. It’s on my nightstand now. First I have to finish Elizabeth Gilbert’s City of Girls and then one of Tana French’s mysteries. (I forget which one.) Looking forward to this one, as I had not heard of it before.

Library just told me it’s there for pickup.

My book arrived today. It is a hardback that I bought on e-bay. It is in great condition so I will donate it to the library after we are finished.

I picked up Harry’s Trees from the library on Friday (curbside pickup) and started it yesterday. I thought I’d pull this up as a reminder that discussion starts Dec. 1.

I finished it already. Not a demanding read.

^ Good to know. I haven’t started it yet. I’m reading The Plague right now, so I’m sure when I’m done, I’ll be in the mood for something lighter.

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I loved The Plague, which seems a strange thing to say about, you know, a plague.

The Plague was my mother’s favorite book. I whizzed through *Harry’s Trees * so fast I hope I remember it when the discussion rolls around. Back to Dorothy Sayers now. (Nine Tailors)

Finished Harry’s Trees. My library only had the audiobook … my thoughts about a book are always influenced by the narrator’s voice and skill. Can’t wait to discuss, especially with those who read the print version.

I just got the ebook from my library but was too late to cancel the hold on the hard copy - it is in transit to my local branch. That will be useful to have for the early days of discussion.

Ordered the book. Will join the group in December!

Wonderful! Welcome, @rockymtnhigh2!

I ordered the book too… arrives tomorrow :wink:

I agreed to be in a nontraditional book club for next year (via zoom). Instead of all reading the same book. We will take turns reading a book that we are interested in… then report to the group.

Interesting. You’ll have to report back on how it goes.

@colorado_mom my mother did a book club like that for years. I felt like that wasn’t a real book club! I like hearing other peoples insights about books. I had a much greater appreciation for Alice Munro’s short stories when I heard what other people had to say about them. You would not have gotten much out of my initial review! Anyway, enjoy - I’m always happy to spout on about books.

I’ve actually never been part of a traditional book club, and now that I’m retired I would have liked doing so. But the pals that have done book clubs say it’s hard for them to read somebody else’s selection when they have a stack of books of their own on the night stand. We’ll see how it goes. Truly anything that involves talking to somebody other than my also-retired husband sounds good to me right now.

Has anyone here read Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips? I’m eager to discuss it with someone.