Harry’s Trees - December CC Book Club Selection

@VeryHappy I read it early this year and I enjoyed it. I don’t recall details but remember enough of the story, I think.

I’ll PM you.

This thread:


is sort of a nontraditional book club. Posters frequently get into discussions about recently read books.

My problem with that thread is that it hits on many different books randomly. I may have just read a great book that I want to talk about, but someone else read it five pages ago and there was already a discussion. It’s not focused enough for me. I like this thread, where we all read the same book and discuss it at the same time.

My problem with that thread is that a lot of the comments don’t go much beyond I liked it. And of course the title always makes me think I shouldn’t post about my pretty good, but not great books. I do read all the posts and occasionally actually post. There are a handful of posters who have gotten me hooked on authors/series I hadn’t heard of.

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My only point was that the “best book” thread was similar in that posters report on books they were interested in. Obviously our focused discussion of the same book is wonderful.

I just picked up the hard cover copy at the library; already read the ebook but was too late to cancel the other hold. It will be much easier to reference parts of the book with this copy. I may even skim or re-read it and put in bookmarks for sections I particularly liked.

I also recommended the book to the librarians; very apropos for them, I thought.

A friend of mine attends a library book club. The librarian always gives them a choice of four books to consider for the next discussion. Harry’s Trees was one of the four. I hadn’t heard of it before then.

Finished. :smile:

I finished several weeks ago. Just started re-reading it last night. (I don’t seem to retain things as well as I used to!)

Just started and am enjoying this book so far!

I just finished Chapter 2. Any hints on pacing?

It seems like I should try to time things to complete it right before we start. But perhaps it is better to have some time to ponder a book before discussion


I try to complete the book a day or two before discussion but only because that works best for me. (I have also, on occasion, finished the book a day or two after the start of discussion. :wink:)

I’ve been in four book clubs the last number of years. I’ve now quit the other three or maybe put them on hiatus. I enjoy them because of the members but I really really dislike Zoom discussions. I feel like I’m in a classroom setting.

This particular book club remains my hands-down favorite. I like how it meets every other month giving me time to read other books in the interim. I like the slow steady pace of discussion. I particularly like the diverse selection of books and how they get chosen. I have a hard time reading the same genre time and time again, and that’s what seems to happen in two of my other book clubs. My third one was the local library book club. I love the diversity of members - gender, race, age. But it meets once a month and sometimes we don’t get our hands on the book till 10 days ahead of time. I’m not the only one who has problems with the timing. We have a couple young working mothers who want more time to read the book. Anyway, I’ve learned that it boils down to fit between reader and book club.

Hope you find this one fun.

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Replying to get this bumped as a recent reply. Now that Thanksgiving is over, I will read the hard copy to refresh my memory and get ready for the discussion, if anyone else finds their way here!

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I finished. I look forward to the discussion!!


I’m posting so that I can adjust to the new format in time for the discussion. But, ugh, this isn’t looking promising.
I finished the book in early October and have borrowed it again so I can refresh my memory.

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I’m still learning the new format too. I’d like to defer that til after the kinks are worked out, but I want to be ready for Book Club :grinning:

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As if covid stress wasn’t enough for 2020, they make so many huge changes to this site, navigating the new format is like being Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole. Too weird. Ugh

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I’m planning to finish Harrry’s Trees this weekend. (“Why do you always leave your homework until the last minute?” asks my daughter.)

I’m having a hard time posting on this thread with the re-design. The text box constantly freezes when I’m typing, then I get a spinning gray arrow and the whole site crashes. This happens no matter what browser I’m using. The site will also log me out randomly. Here’s hoping some of the glitches are ironed out before December 1st!


@Mary13 I hope so too! Someone said there was a tutorial. So Imma gonna look for it.

I have no idea where this will post. I hope at the end of this thread. I’m having a hard time understanding how the site operates now. The typing was awful yesterday because I was typing too fast (my one-fingered version!) for this box to keep up and would lose my train of thought. And the back space tripped me up because it was so slow that I ended my deleting most of my post before I realized what was going on. This seems to be better today🤞
Well, anyway, I just wanted to say that apparently I shared something from this thread since I got an award for that. I have no idea where or what but I do apologize if it was inappropriately done.