Harvard Admissions Fall 2022

My DD 22 got a request for an alumni interview last week.

prospective student " checking the box" on common app if they like to have interview .

I submitted on the 1st

Anybody from GA region got Harvard RD interview?

Unlike most schools, I donā€™t believe Harvard requests a deposit on enrolling.

Do extra letters of rec help when submitting materials for the deferral period?

I donā€™t know for sure, but I doubt it. The reason that my kid had 4 letters was that they had the usual two from academic teachers, plus two from performing arts, since that was their main EC (and other than Harvard, they were only applying to schools of music at academic universities). But it was all submitted EA as part of their application.

I am under the impression that the only thing, other than a letter of continued interest, and first semester grades, that is worth submitting for an application deferred to RD is a new, additional achievement. If additional significant honors, awards, or achievements come through, definitely, such as an academic paper accepted for publication in a prestigious journal, a novel accepted by a major publishing house for publication, a major award. But another letter of recommendation? The first ones should have said it all - I donā€™t think that an additional letter would help, even if it were from a very prestigious person saying amazing things about you.

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D22 is an RD candidate on the West Coast and just saw email letting her know to expect a contact soon for an interviewā€¦itā€™s starting up.


Iā€™m on the West Coast and had my interview this week. Itā€™s definitely underway!


No interview request so far. In TX

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Was there a box to select in the Common App to opt in for an interview? I reviewed the PDF of my submitted app and I couldnā€™t find the box.


Did anyone from India get an interview?

i did not get one, what about you?

Me too

Mind sharing your stats?

How relevant / beneficial is published research article in a faculty reviewed Scientific journal to Harvard admission? D22 has published a literature review article in a Ā«Journal of student research ā€œhigh school edition Last year . Without much access to lab research due to pandemic - she decided to do a literature review instead. apparently she is a first in our state to do so among high school students. Would it count as a state wide accomplishment? She is passionate about research in general . Research is in the field of bio/ med and she is applying to bio major ā€¦. She has no hooks and no legacy . Stats are excellent. GPA 4.5 wt , 4.0 uwt, SAT 1540 790 math , 750 English .
8 APs, last summer internship in a psych / addiction clinic with a great rec letterā€¦ Harvard book club recipient at her school
President of NHC and science NHC
She did talk about the process of writing the article in the supplemental portion of essay . I guess the elephant in the room

  • will she at least have a chance to be considered , will her application stand out with This research article as EC ?
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Getting her literature review published is definitely an impressive accomplishment. But TBH, since itā€™s not directly related to her intended major, will carry less weight than a research article.

But regardless, she has great stats and ECs so sheā€™s definitely a strong and competitive candidate. And if sheā€™s articulated her passion and interests through her essays then she definitely has a chance.

Best wishes to your D!

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Sorry if I was nor clear ā€¦ Itā€™s did relate to her intended major - she did a research article on squamous cell carcinoma ā€¦ and she indent to study biology / microbiology . Thank you for your input !

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i think she has a chance,

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