Harvard Admissions Fall 2022

From Maryland. My daughters interview was 2-3 weeks ago.


Interview completed. It was amazing

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We are in SoCal. Haven’t received one either.

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My child had their interview in early January, only a few days after submitting. We live in the Northwest. I think it is random when they are scheduled.

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Just received an interview request this morning. We are in NorCal. Hope you get one soon!

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What type of questions are asked?

Great question. I think it all depends on how the conversation is going. I do know that they asked her about her family background, her passion for what she wants to study-how she acquired it, support at school. why she wants to go to that university.

@Classof2026mom. What made it amazing?!!

The interviewer and my daughter shared things in common. The conversation flowed. The interviewer admitted learning about my dd’s interesting hobbies.

D got an interview request today in NY.

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One of the recommended questions is “What have you read lately?”

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IN my daughter’s case was, who is your favorite author.

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We are still waiting in Cal. Hopefully this is a sign they are still sending out requests.


How much influence does the interview have with admissions at Harvard? Anyone actually know? :slight_smile:

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I believe that they do consider what the interviewer has to say. When my son saw the comments from his two committee members, they both said that they wanted to see the input from the interviewer.

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I have no horse in the race this round, but is it still the case where you can’t get accepted without an interview? Given how application numbers have soared?

That’s a great question. It’s just crazy to think that thousands of applicants will be interviewed. So I would think the answer is no. I just can’t image how colleges deal with so many applications. There must be a way to narrow the number. Perhaps they do a first read, and then send those for interviews? Even so, many qualified students may not be interviewed. Or, is it a case where they do a first read and if admission has questions, they flag those for interviews? I just can’t image how they deal with so many applicants.

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Yale seems to be working that way.

Because of limited virtual interviewing capacity, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will prioritize interviews for students for whom the Admissions Committee needs more information.

I am not entirely convinced of this statement or perhaps “more information” is used very loosely?