<p>I'm a person who has all throughout high school been focused strictly on academics. However, I've recently discovered an interest in entertaiment/performing arts and television. I would pursue this further, but I'm afraid that I've dug myself into a hole where my schedule couldn't possibly fit extracurriculars in these areas. I instead have ECs in high school journalism, writing, and local politics and youth advocacy and policy groups.
I plan to apply to Harvard next year, so if I let them know of my newfound interests would they look down on me for not having extracurriculars that fit these interests? Also, if I were to get accepted, what could Harvard offer me in these areas? Would I even fit in there? </p>
<p>If you've never done anything in these areas, I think it would look quite weird to suddenly mention them in your app - may do more harm than good - after all, no college stops you from pursuing new interests once you get there, so if it's a new interest, by all means pursue it in college, but don't advise bringing it up in your app.</p>
<p>on your second question, check their website</p>
<p>I was just thinking that it may come up during an interview, like if they ask me about my future interests, but I won't mention it in my actual application. Any more advice?</p>
<p>If you can make significant progress with it, and show Harvard you truly enjoy it and would like to continue it in college, then they might look at you favorably for that. Harvard has lots of performing arts groups, etc. This year Harvard College Teatro held the school's first ever play conducted in Spanish.</p>