Harvard Class 2025 Waitlist

The Z list is where Harvard takes very small number from the WL, mostly legacy, and offers them admission if they take a gap year.

I thought Harvard waitlist closed earlier.

What I’d like to know is what did it entail to get off of that waitlist and onto the Z list?

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[What is the Harvard Z-List?

You are not going to be able to get on the Z list. It is different from the waitlist. The Z list is quite controversial, but yes, it still exists. Those who get in from the Z list are required to take a gap year so their admission does not affect the numbers of the current year, which are already high for the space available.

So the Z list is a favor to VIPs?

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‘Z-List’ Students Overwhelmingly White, Often Legacies | News | The Harvard Crimson (thecrimson.com) 2018

The Harvard Crimson (thecrimson.com) 2014

Consider it 'deferred admission" or “early early admission.”

Many schools do this on the “down low” and “at least Harvard does it transparently.”

Students for Fair Admissions submitted documents about the z list and the fact that those on it are mostly white, a few years back.

Obama’s daughter took a gap year. Was she admitted through z list?

I have no idea but doubt it.
