Harvard SCEA Class of 2020 Applicant Thread

@schroscat May I ask of which country you’re a dual citizen of? I’m one too—US and Philippines!

@RandomRhino US and Turkey!

I like how we all have so much in common hahaha dual citizen as well

@schroscat yes, hopefully it doesn’t take them too long… What happens after we run out of treats!

@snackpack02 Schrö likes to play fetch with hair ties; maybe we can sacrifice well-kept hair to make sure he feeds us. He also hates my clarinet skills–he will do anything to ensure that I don’t play it–so we can use that to our advantage.

For matriculation students, one may view one’s application file upon formal request to the admissions office, if I recall correctly. You’ll make an appointment at which you’ll be given some time to view your file. You can’t make copies of anything, and if I recall, no notes, either. My older son did this.

So weird to think one of you might be my roommate next year! :stuck_out_tongue:

So @schroscat is female, I’m male, what’s everybody else?

@schroscat hey there! I’m originally from Turkey as well! Always good to see a fellow Turk around here

@bearcon I’ve been waiting for a Turk to come up on this feed! Did you apply SCEA?

@bearcon @schroscat Nasilsiniz!! Not Turkish, but I go to a dominantly Turkish school :slight_smile: love the turkish culture and language

Any jews here?

@schroscat what did you get on your sat

@snackpack02 I’m male!
@pubkid The truth is we’ll probably never know because I mean who’s gonna bring up their CC username in casual conversation haha

Question of curiosity for you all. Decisions are likely to be released at 5pm EST, likely with delays because of server traffic and just the sheer amount of applicants they’re sending out emails to. So how will you handle that moment?

For me, 5pm EST is 4pm my time, which means the school day just finished and after-school practice is starting and will last another hour and a half. The nature of the after school activity I’m in gives me access to my laptop, but I don’t want to look at the decision with other people around (I just know there will be tears, regardless of the decision), but at the same time I won’t be able to stand NOT checking it the second it comes.

@bearcon @Sajidur4 Ben iyiyim! Siz? I love when people pick up Turkish; it’s such a fun language! (Especially “thank you”, haha. Gosh, that word took me way too long as a kid to pronounce.)

@aharper98 first gen college student and American, multilingual, and diverse?? born in UAE and parents from Bangladesh.

@schroscat I sure did!!!
@Sajidur4 that is so cool!! where exactly?

@schroscat Yuvarlanip gidiyoruz :slight_smile: I like to confuse my non-Turkish friends with otherwise nonsensical Turkish idiomatic expressions :slight_smile:

@schroscat Ben de iyiyim. Let me tell you, I absolutely struggled with the grammar.
@bearcon It’s a turkish school in the North of New Jersey:)

@RandomRhino I would probably still be in class. Oh my gosh, I really don’t want to have to check my decision with other people around me…maybe I’ll go home after lunch