Harvard Schmarvard

<p>Used to be a big fan of Harvard until I met the admissions officer</p>

<p>and after I visited </p>

<p>not anymore</p>

<p>care to share your reasons to applying? what you saw that i didn't see?</p>

<p>i just saw a bunch of snobs that bragged about themselves</p>

<p>^ you guys, stop the crap. Advertising that blog here won’t do. What? All of you who run it, all of the sudden joined this forum? Enough.</p>

<p>^ i second what tcab said</p>

<p>Um…I like it, and so far that means 100% of the people you’ve asked here are happy. /thread</p>

<p>(I’d brag too if I were employed by a corporation with a 38 billion dollar endowment btw)</p>



<p>Great. One less applicant competing with those who love the place. If it’s not for you it’s best to move on to focus on other schools.</p>

<p>Yeah… slamming schools doesn’t seem like a real mature thing to do, sorry.</p>



<p>I didn’t observe that at all when I was on a tour of Harvard with my son in February 2008. The students we met described themselves as lucky and grateful for the opportunity to be at Harvard. Actually, all the people I’ve ever met in real life who are Harvard alumni are grounded, nice people, not at all people who make me feel bad for not going to Harvard.</p>

<p>agree with tokenadult. don’t generalize.</p>