Harvard Summer School--how much does it help?

<p>I did the 4 week session and earned an A in International Law (I have a 4.0 at Harvard, which is awesome!). </p>

<p>I'm sure it helps, but by how much? I'm sure plenty of other kids applying have done the Harvard SSP as well.</p>

<p>Thanks, and GL TO ALL OF U!</p>

<p>It barely helps. All it does is show that your family has money and that you didn’t sit at home during the summer.</p>

<p>Does the Harvard Summer School offer enough financial aid to make unsure the inference that students have family money?</p>

<p>I know two former Harvard applicants who attended the Harvard SS program.</p>

<p>They ranked 4 and 8 out of a class of over 300.</p>

<p>They had significant music and science extracurriculars plus others.</p>

<p>No. 4’s SATs - 1440/2100 Deferred EA - Rejected RD
No. 8’s SATs - 1510/2230 Deferred EA - Wait Listed RD - did not get off wait list</p>

<p>Both ended up at Cornell.</p>

<p>No.'s 1,2,3 and 10 in the class were accepted to Harvard. They also had significant EC’s.</p>

<p>1 - $2500 Merit Scholar - SAT’s 1600/2400 - EA
2 - $2500 Merit Scholar - SAT’s 1570/2300 - EA
3 - $2500 Merit Scholar - SAT’s 1570/2350 - EA Yale/RD Harvard
10- $2500 Merit Scholar - SAT’s 1570/2370 - RD</p>

<p>Harvard SS did not appear to help with Harvard College admissions.</p>

<p>Harvard SS helps those who are going to the Harvard Extension School because the classes counts as Harvard Instructor requirements. And the SS has a lot of interesting classes. It might not help a person who wants to go to Harvard College. However, the credits at the SS only helps to finish the ALB degree program a lot faster.</p>