Harvard undergrad, Help!


<p>I graduated from Harvard with high honors in English, but my overall GPA was only 3.54.<br>
What kind of LSAT would I need to look at competitive law schools - or am I already out of the running? I'm working this year in Women's Health, interested in going into civil rights (domestic violence) or education law. </p>

<p>Would there be anything else I could do to make myself more competitive?</p>

<p>You’ve still got a good shot at some of the T14 schools if you can do well on the LSAT</p>

<p>check out this: [Boston</a> College Law Locator Matches - Boston College](<a href=“Career Center - Division of Student Affairs - Boston College”>Career Center - Division of Student Affairs - Boston College)</p>

<p>Contact the pre-law adviser for your house and ask for the law grids. These show where Harvard students and alum were admitted and the median gpa and LSAT of those accepted. They will help you much more than anyone out here in cyberspace can.</p>