<p>I got into these three schools and I'm looking to study some sort if engineering in college. Obviously Mudd has the best engineering program of the three, but I'm honestly a little hesitant about the social aspect at Mudd. I play 2 sports and am kinda a jock, so I wouldn't want to be surrounded by nerds for the next four years of my life. Can anyone offer me some insight or advice?</p>
<p>Come on, everyone at Mudd has to be a nerd on some level!</p>
<p>I’ve actually got a similar situation…deciding between Harvey Mudd, Carnegie Mellon and UPenn. It’s tough. I thought I’d crossed out Mudd but then I decided to reconsider it…who thought the hardest part of the college process would be deciding where to go?</p>
<p>hey claremont and mudd has the same team, and claremont has some jocks, so don’t worry about that</p>
<p>Be aware that Dartmouth engineering will take you 5 years given all of the nonengineering undergrad requirements. There’s also that stupid summer D term that you are stuck with. Duke is good for BME, but not that much for engineering otherwise. A lot of similarity in the student bodies for these two. Beer good. And that’s not bad.</p>
<p>Mudd is different. If youre interested in Mudd you need to visit . Good school but not for everyone. You also have to ask yourself how much name recognition matters to you. Some will say it’s unimportant or shallow, but it’s a real consideration nonetheless. Those who dont think it’s much of a factor would probably skew toward Mudd given these choices.</p>
<p>Name Recognition: The aerospace company that I’m signed onto goes out of its way to look at Mudd grads. Let’s just say that it isn’t a half-as$ed operation.</p>