Has a Mac improved highschool for you?

<p>I know a lot of people give credit to Apple's Mac platform for college use, but has anyone here found that having a Mac enables you to do better in highscool?
Answers can include improvements in studying, creativity, organization, etc that you couldn't get from a Windows based computer.</p>

<p>Please don't turn this into a flame forum... </p>

<p>The Macs vs. PCs issue is very controversial, and a very personal opinion. </p>

<p>Personally, I hate Macs. The software may be better in some regards but the hardware is bad for that price. Really overpriced and hyped up. </p>

<p>It's high school... the most you will use out of your computer is something like powerpoint and a word processor...</p>

The person above me is wrong. I love macs and it helps me so much.</p>

<p>Jmarin, could you elaborate on how it helps? and this isn't meant to be an argumentative forum..just comparison lol</p>

<p>The amount of time it saves is the best--from the speed of the Intel chip to the user-friendliness. I like not having to click through so many menus to get to my documents. And really, with all the extra features that Macs come with, the price is worth it--my mom's HP laptop has less features than my dad's MacBook, and it was more expensive and less reliable. I've been a Mac user my whole life, and I'm never switching to the dark side.</p>

<p>I have a Mac.</p>

<p>It's just a computer. I mean, I like it, but I don't understand the rampant fanboys. When I go to college I'll probably buy a nice Windows laptop or something.</p>

<p>macs are just intuitive to me-- it's really easy to figure out things i don't know how to do, because i think, "well, logically it WOULD go like this"-- and it does. i've never had to deal with viruses <em>knockwood</em>, and my school district is entirely on macs so it makes it easier when i go between home & school with projects and such. i guess i can't really compare because my family hasn't had PCs in a VERY long time, but the computer i use at work is a PC and it's unbelievably frustrating to me.</p>

<p>i've never owned a mac, and probably never will.</p>

<p>it isn't the computer that bugs me, just the pretentious attitude that everyone who owns one seems to have.</p>

<p>the mouse is about as 'intuitive' to a traditional PC user as writing with your other hand.</p>

<p>I used Macs in elementary school, and I hated them. They were kind of ugly, and everything looked sloppy. They were also old, which may explain why I hated them.</p>

<p>Of course, I didn't really understand computers in general back then, but Windows is much more...normal. Everything is easy to find. I'm sure that if I actually did technical stuff on my computer, I'd have reason to like Mac better, but I don't.</p>

<p>My suggestion is that you use what you've grown up using. Once one methodology is familiar, it is incredibly hard to switch. I grew up using PCs. When I use my friend's Mac, I can't stand it.</p>

<p>Macs are mainly for art students and widely known for its graphics. If you're gonna be using Photoshop and Illustrator and stuff like that, I'd go with a Mac.</p>

<p>I personally like Macs..the menubars are all white and sophisticated :)</p>

<p>Macs are the exact opposite of intuitive to me. I hate their standard mouse, I hate their menu system, I hate the dock, I hate the keyboard shortcuts, I hate almost everything besides their appearance (and Photobooth!). I know how to make a PC do anything I want, but I get so frustrated when I try to use a Mac. They make everything to so complicated. I really don't understand how people think they're "easier" to use--I'd take a PC over a Mac any day.</p>

<p>(To be fair, I'm probably partially biased due to using the absolutely HORRIBLE Macs at my school for 12ish years. We have a Mac at home and it's oay, but the ones at my school just don't work AT ALL. I've been on the verge of chucking one out the window sooo many times. It's enough to make me NEVER want to use a Mac again.)</p>

<p>Well I play video games competitively so I need a high power PC. Overall, I really love my PC. School wise, there's not much I need it for tbh. I use Microsoft Word almost everyday but otherwise I only use my computer for gaming.</p>

<p>The eMacs at my school are so ridiculously slow... My older PC runs much faster...</p>

<p>Macs are like those little toy computers made by Fisher-Price</p>

<p>i'm more comfortable with PCs, but my school is full of Macs... it hasn't been all that "helpful" for me to be surrounded by Macs, but at least I know how to use/am comfortable enough with both types of computers (i prefer PCs, of course).</p>

<p>I use both macs and PCs on a regular basis.</p>

<p>My school is basically all Mac and enjoys buying new Macs on a very regular basis (I think our tech department has retail therapy sessions every friday).</p>

<p>I have a PC laptop and a Macbook Pro at home and find myself gravitating towards my PC to do homework and laborious tasks and using my Mac for everything else (ie - procrastination... facebook... iChat... music). I think PCs are really great for work and not distracting and Macs are really just fun.</p>