<p>Has anyone applied for Language & Literature Majors such as;</p>
<p>Chinese B
Classics B
Comparative Literature B
French B
Japanese B
Korean B
Latin B
Spanish B</p>
<p>If you have, please let me know if you've gotten in yet, and pleeease post your stats! THANK YOU!</p>
<p>my friend recently got in for chinese literature…
im not sure about her stats, but from what i heard, they’re pretty decent with a good handful of AP classes and she was involved in a lot of school activities and club work.
sorry that’s all i know! D:</p>
<p>I applied to Japanese Language and Literature but I haven’t gotten an acceptance/rejection yet
<p>Does anyone know if UCI’s lang&lit program is good? My friend told me UCI’s isn’t good D:<</p>
<p>yeah, i haven’t heard back as well, the wait is a killer… Not too sure about Japanese, but I know the Korean, French and Latin majors are pretty good!</p>
<p>Does anyone also know if all language majors, are Non-Impacted majors?</p>