Has anyone ever done badly on the ACT but well on the SAT?

<p>I'm considering taking the SAT one time before my high school standardized test career is over. I don't do well at all on the ACT but surprisingly, I'm pretty good with English and Math (it's the timing that gets me.) So, I'm debating whether i should take it or not. So, i guess I'm wondering if anyone has done badly on the ACT but well on the SAT?</p>

<p>Also, how is the SAT on timing? Do they give ya enough time to finish everything or not really (like the ACT) ?</p>

<p>Thanks so much...</p>

<p>God Bless,</p>


<p>really doubt it to tell you the truth. i could see people doing better on the ACT after taking the SAT… but unless you are really just very naturally gifted and intelligent i wouldn’t bother </p>

<p>SAT is not hard to finish on time if you practice a lot and are familiar with the test, but if you’re just gonna wing it and take the test youll probably end up like most ppl and run out of time</p>

<p>who knows though… take some practice tests and see how you do</p>

<p>I got a 2340 on the SAT (800 CR, 800 Math, and 740 Writing), which is equivalent of a 35, and then a week later I took the ACT and got a 34. I kinda ran out of time on the ACT reading (got a 32) which brought my score down a little.</p>

<p>I think the ACT reading and science sections are very time tight so unless your fast at it its hard to score high. On the SAT i always had about 5 to 10 min extra for reading and more for math.</p>

<p>I got a 2220 on SAT, but 31 on ACT. I had no idea about the format and time constraints of the ACT, so I ran out of time on math and science.</p>

<p>Hmm…I think Im going to go ahead and give the SAT a swing… When will I find out my scores if I take the Jan. test? Does anyone know the date (I know the ACT tells ya the date you’ll have your scores ready).</p>



<p>I still do not understand how it’s possible to do better on the SAT. ONE QUESTION WRONG = 780. Tell me how that’s better than the ACTs “-2” = a 36 sometimes??</p>

<p>alebeau - You need to go to the College Board website and take the Official Practice Test [Free</a> SAT Practice Test | Online SAT Practice](<a href=“Full-Length SAT Suite Practice Tests – SAT Suite | College Board”>Full-Length SAT Suite Practice Tests – SAT Suite | College Board). It is a real SAT and you can see how you do. </p>

<p>One of the biggest differences from the ACT is that the SAT has a wrong answer/guessing penalty. For every question you miss the SAT takes off 1/4 of a point (the only exception is on the student generated response section in one of the math sections). When you get 4 questions wrong, they take off 5 points from the right answer score for example. It is better to omit a question you don’t know rather than guess. On the ACT they want you to answer as many questions as possible so there is no penalty for wrong answers.</p>

<p>You will be able to get your scores from the January SAT online at the College Board website on February 12.</p>

<p>OK, Well…I appreciate all of your help… I think that my college scholarship deadlines are already over…So, I dont think it’s even worth taking the test again…</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone that helped…</p>

<p>Take care,</p>


<p>OK, Well…I appreciate all of your help… I think that my college scholarship deadlines are already over…So, I dont think it’s even worth taking the test again…</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone that helped…</p>

<p>Take care,</p>
