<p>I saw that the McNair notifications have been sent. Does anyone know whether Carolina scholar notifications have been sent?</p>
<p>I saw that the McNair notifications have been sent. Does anyone know whether Carolina scholar notifications have been sent?</p>
the only thing I know about the Carolina Scholars is that the interview weekends usually follow one another (with the McNair).</p>
<p>The Carolina Scholar finalists have been chosen, but I am not sure if they’ve been notified. I know of one student that is aware he has been chosen, but I don’t know if that’s from an official letter or just a contact in the department.</p>
<p>Incase anyone is interested, I received a letter today telling me that I am not a finalist but will be considered for other scholarships.</p>
<p>I must admit that I am shocked. I don’t know of any weaknesses on my application: 33 act (36 english 33 math), 780M 700CR 780W 4.0 gpa national merit semifinalist and I have a life. I don’t understand. This does not bode well for the rest of the colleges to which I have applied.</p>