Has Cornell taken students who weren't allowed to take AP's until Senior Year?

My school does not allow students to take APs until Junior Year, and I was even denied taking a course then. This year, I have taken AP Calculus AB and AP Environmental Science and have A’s in both classes. I am applying to CALS as well

Yes. Colleges will not have an issue with options your school did not offer. Question is, why didn’t they let you take them junior year ? Bad grades soph year ? Budget cuts ?

Honestly, IDEK. It pisses me off because I feel at such a disadvantage. I wasn’t even allowed to take advanced classes outside of school, my GC was against it.

@AnonymouseCat ,
Not being able to take APs in a junior year definitely put you at a disadvantage.

High schools not allowing APs until a junior year are not uncommon. There had to be a reason for your GC to not allow you to take AP in your junior year. You should ask and they should give you a good reason. Lots of time, parents speak with GC and advocate for their kids to take AP classes. They are not always successful, though.

I was accepted and I wasnt able to take any APs until senior year (I took several college classes though). If you made it clear in your application you should be alright

I don’t think it puts you at a disadvantage, as long as you took a challenging course load. My daughter attends a STEM magnet HS and her first AP classes are AP Lit and Calc BC And Physics, as a senior. She just got a likely letter for Women in Engineering.

The OP wanted to take AP since a junior year but was not allowed for reasons unknown. I consider that it’s the OP’s disadvantage. The OP should have been allowed as he/she implied he could have been able to handle the more vigoruos courses.

OP took AP Cal AB and AP Environment Science in the senoir year.
Your daughter took AP Lit, AP Cal BC and AP Physic in her senior.

I do agree that Cornell tends to take kids who took the most vigorous high school courses that they could handle.