<p>Chance Me!!
GPA = 3.92 uw (got 1 C in Calc AB, 1 B in Calc AB, 1 B in AP Chem)
4.2 w
Class Rank = 6/570ish
AP Classes:
Bio (5)
Calc AB (3)
US History (4)
Music Theory (4)
Government (5)
Chem (4)
Psychology (5)
Econ (5 on both micro and macro)
Lang. (5)
Spanish (this year)
Lit. (this year)
Stats. (this year)
Environmental Sci. (this year)
Euro. (this year)</p>
<p>College Classes:
Calc BC (A, didn't take AP. took class at local community college)
Physics C (this year. local community college class.)
300 level Econ class (A. class taken over the summer at Arizona State)</p>
<p>Test Scores:
SAT = 2320/2400
ACT = 32
SAT Subject =
Bio: 630
Math II: 720
US History: 700</p>
Varsity Tennis Captain 10-12
NHS 10-12
Science Bowl 11-12
Jazz Band and Symphonic Band (1st chair trombone player) 9-12
MUN (state level member) 9-12
Economics Fed Challenge State Champion 11
Metropolitan Youth Symphony (violin)
Speech and Debate 11-12
Internship at law firm
Started a tutoring business (tutor kids in AP Bio, AP Econ, and SAT)
Research in oceanography at Portland State</p>
<p>Recs will be amazing. one of them is from my econ. prof. at ASU. </p>
Penn (ED)
Chicago (EA?)
Arizona State</p>
<p>Penn (ED)-you never know with Penn but you have a shot.
Chicago (EA?)-good chance if your essays are quirky and interesting seeing as they care a ton about that
Harvard-high reach but you’ve got a chance
Yale-same as above
Columbia-same as above
Arizona State-100% in</p>
<p>I would say you have a good shot at Penn (about 65%). You also have a slightly better chance at Chicago, and you are good for USC and ASU. Columbia will be slightly harder, and Harvard/Yale you still have a shot, albeit smaller than the others.</p>
<p>well i am thinking you have decent chances, but i think ppl might be overestimating your chaces, no offence I mean your SAT is nice, but your grades are a lil iffy. Also your SAT 2 subject tests are lacking and your ec’s are sort of bland though this econ thing sounds like its nice.</p>
Penn (ED)- low reach
Chicago - high match (if you write strong essays)
Harvard- reach
Yale- reach
Columbia-low reach
Arizona State- in</p>
<p>Well…if you’ve applied ED to Penn, I think you’re wasting a lot of money applying to other schools, cause you’re pretty much there ED will help you out.</p>
<p>Harvard…Yale…not too sure about. I mean…it IS Harvard and Yale…</p>
<p>I personally think you are in Penn ED.
A 1590 is excellent for Penn and the near top 1% rank,
As for your other schools, I think you are in elsewhere except Harvard and Yale.</p>
<p>everyone is being much too generous. for schools like those (except USC and ASU), you need much higher SAT II scores. Your SAT is nice, but what happened in school? A “C”? Are you kidding? And how can you say your recs are amazing? They can be good, but a person can’t say amazing unless they see all of their recs, and even then it is subjective. Especially if one is from your prof. at ASU, who you knew for like 3 months. no way it’ll be an in-depth rec; they simply haven’t known you long enough. I also see ZERO awards…not good. </p>
<p>What level is the band you are 1st chair in? If it’s some school band, and you are truly good at trombone, you will send an arts supplement. And the whole tutoring thing for SAT seems like complete BS. You’re a kid, with no college degree. your tutoring can’t be that good lol. Good scores, but not enough of anything else. I say your chances are average (10-20%) everywhere, but you are for sure in at USC and ASU.</p>