<p>Hi there!
I'm a sophomore in high school right now and I'm pretty (by pretty I mean very) on edge right now because I think I may recieve a C+ on my report card for Honors Chemistry. The problem is that this will be my second C, as I got one in Honors Geometry freshman year. I have a lot of anxiety about this right now. The rest of my grades are mostly A's and some B's scattered in. Have I ruined by chances of getting into Northwestern or any colleges of the same level? Honors Chemistry is usually a junior class, but I'm taking it as a sophomore as an elective. I don't think that matters though now, since it's not an AP class. </p>
<p>I know I can get a high ACT score though, I've been practicing for it since the beginning of freshmen year. I'm also black - my parents are both immigrants from Africa. </p>
<p>Thank you for anyone who replies! I'm so freaked out and anxious about this...</p>