<p>No, I have never failed a test. At least not in high school (in 4th grade I failed a quiz). </p>
<p>My lowest test grade in HS so far has been a 91 in Honors Biology freshman year. This year, my ‘lowest’ is a 97. I tend to do very well on tests.</p>
<p>Have I failed a test… Oh buddy let me give you a list:
Alegbra: never , Geometry: failed a couple tests and quizzes still got a B+) Trig: never Precalc: never, Intro to comp sci: never AP Computer Science: never, AP Calc AB: never, AP Stat: never
Earth Science: I should have failed almost every test, but I still got a B+, biology: never, honors chem: organic chemistry naming compounds quiz… just awful, also another quiz, honors physics: failed my vector quiz a few weeks ago, but I did test corrections, Astronomy: failed the first 2 tests, but corrections saved my ass I deserved a 50% but I have a 92%
Social Studies: Global 1: I failed a presentation, Global 2: never US History: I would be happy if I passed a test, 20th Century: I just failed a test recently
English: English 9: failed almost every reading quiz, English 10: failed EVERY reading quiz, English 11: failed a lot of reading quizzes, English 12: never
Spanish 1: never Spanish 2: failed “blitzes” Spanish 3: failed something because I forgot to hand it in Spanish 4: failed dialogues</p>
<p>I’ve failed a quiz but never a test. Actually, I failed my first quiz since 2nd grade yesterday. I got a 45% on Algebra 2. I only answered a few questions, I completely blanked out, never happened before. I think it’s sleep deprivation.</p>
<p>I’m sure I have but not since like Freshman year. I’m trying to think of a specific time, but all I can think of is Earth Science. The thing about that class though was that the teacher never ended up giving us real grades (as in he never averaged up all our grades from tests, quizzes, homework) all he did was make up grades he felt like we should get hahahah, so failing tests in his class never really hurt me.</p>
<p>I have failed 3 tests in Biology, Geometry, and Honors English in the past week! But before those tests I have never failed a test. I should have studied.</p>
<p>Have not failed anything. Though I was pretty p*ssed off when I got an 84 on my latest English test. Yeah…English teacher’s test are straight-up BS. But everything else is fine!</p>
<p>Yeah, I failed 80% of all my tests during physics. Despite my obsessive studying I had no idea what I was doing (no grasp of trig. word problems) and guessed at all the answers. :P</p>