Have you received ANY information after submitting your RD application? I haven't!

<p>If so, when did you send your application and what did you receive? An e-mail? A letter?</p>

<p>My S sent his commonapp off on 12/26 and nothing back so far (except the acknowledgement on commonapp website)</p>

<p>DS submitted 12/13. Nothing back yet although he called the following week and someone in the Admissions Office let him know they had everything.</p>

<p>All right. I’ll call the admissions office if I have time.</p>

<p>I submitted my app on September 28 (and all other materials were submitted by October 25) and I haven’t received a single thing about my app.</p>

<p>Did you apply ED or RD?</p>

<p>I applied ED. I did not receive an email until 3 weeks after I had submitted my app. People who had things missing tended to get one sooner. Honestly, and I know this is hard, just wait a week or two before calling. It is very unlikely that they lose something and if so, they will allow you to get it in (unless you forgot to send in test scores or something).</p>

<p>I called. They said they could tell me everything they received before a certain date (I think December 20). I said, “okay that’s fine tell me.” And everything was already in :)!</p>

<p>Consider waiting to call. They are likely frenetically busy working on processing all the incoming applications, and phone calls only slow the whole process down. If your common ap was submitted by the deadline and you have confirmation that it was, you are okay.</p>

<p>i called and they told me they’ll notify people about receipt on january 23</p>

<p>Even f they dont stick to that date (as they did with the ED students as well), please be patient and wait another week. Like anxiousmom said, they are extremely busy and you calling them isn’t going to help. If there’s a problem, they WILL notify you before it’s too late.</p>

<p>Do not bother them.</p>