advice to reg decision applicants: call admissions to make sure they got everything

<p>all ur recs, transcripts, scores, interview results.</p>

<p>just in case.</p>

<p>hey i sent out my rice stuff december 1 and i still havent gotten a confirmation yet. ive gotten the interview though. so… i should call them?</p>

<p>No, please do not call them. Wait until February. There are thousands of people applying. They need time to process everything. If they do discover something is missing, rest assured, you will be notified immediately. Just be patient, wait to call.</p>

<p>And that is not good advice to the RD students. If everyone is calling that will simply slow the process down. Since the common app is used, they have your email addresses. When it becomes available, they will send you information regarding your admissions status and/or missing items.</p>

<p>I have many friends who applied ed to Rice and never got ANY sort of email or notification that Rice had received or had not received their transcripts, sats, rec, etc.</p>

<p>They said that the only ways they could find out were by calling the school.</p>

<p>Do not listen to your friends but do as Pyles suggested and not call and bother the admissions staff. </p>

<p>On second thought, go ahead and call them as that will help them decide to award your spot to me or another student.</p>

<p>If they haven’t received your SATs etc they will let you know. Personally I’m not going to be those kids who hassel admissions offices. You just have to trust yourself on that one.</p>

<p>don’t call just to ask if you got in or not, if you call ask very very pertinent questions (as in something you cannot find on their website) but even still, don’t call unless you have to. There are plenty of ways of showing interest besides calling. Most of the time, they don’t even ask for your name or anything so it wont even matter.</p>

<p>i dont know abt RD but boy were they slow on ED process…</p>

<p>I hear they are getting grumpy. One told my friend to “CHECK THE WEBSITE!” when he asked a question. They will send out pins soon enough (or so i heard in another thread).</p>

<p>hm…i called two or three times to find out my stuff was in (they asked me to call back because their computer system was down) it literally took 5 sec to check…</p>