Haverford cancels spring season/Centennial League playing without them

Fine. Here’s what I’m telling you. To the extent that what we’ve all been experiencing has been a little like shuffling the deck chairs on The Titanic this past year - and, that’s what the article you quote seems to be saying - it’s because we’ve never had a real nationwide lock down and we’ve never had universal compliance with mask wearing.

Sorry but that was always a pipe dream. We aren’t an island and we aren’t China.


That’s kind of the point of the article, which goes on to highlight the outcome of those who did lock down and those who didn’t.

But, saying that California had a lockdown and Florida didn’t or that Connecticut did and South Dakota didn’t is the same as saying nobody did.

It’s lacrosse.

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Ah-- mine is soccer. But the same disappointment. Good luck to your daughter.

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Still getting the silent treatment from administration. Can you imagine totally ignoring parent emails on any issue, important or not? This is since January from multiple concerned parents, not just me.

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hI, Haverford parent of an athlete here. You really have it wrong. My student IS marginalized at Haverford for being an athlete. Sports are diminished as recently as last week in a zoom to parents by Dean Bylander.


Sorry to hear it . I am appalled at the lack of response from the administration, but not surprised. They don’t care about the athletes. I think they wish they would all just disappear. I think the students should organize and start as petition or do a protest. Maybe they will listen to that.


Please do not direct comments specifically to others unless it’s in a positive way. We want this thread to remain civil so it can stay open.


I’ve been advocating a “porch-in” by all athletes every night from 4-6 until President Raymond actually meets with them personally to hear their stories. They weren’t allowed to participate in the decision making, and she also hasn’t addressed them in person. Kind of like breaking up with someone by text. She really is a coward. No leadership skills. I’m surprised the Board still seems to have confidence in her.


Have you reached out to any of the Board members with your concerns regarding her non-response to questions from parents and her overall lack of leadership? That could be another avenue for advocacy.


As long as they stay inside their spray painted circles that should be allowed. Joking but not really … ugh.

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Yes we have, both students and parents. Ignored by the Board as well. Nice representative organization! Not even a “ thanks for your input…”

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NESCAC Spring athletic schedules have begun to appear. They seem to have developed shortened, concentrated schedules against relatively nearby rivals, for example, 2023 Women's Lacrosse Schedule - Wesleyan University and 2023 Men's Lacrosse Schedule - Wesleyan University. The women’s and men’s lacrosse championships will be between the East Division winner and the West Division winner.


The Centennial league has more saturdays, but a similar idea.

A lot of conferences are just playing in the conference, usually twice instead of the normal once (a home-and-away series). In some conferences, this could keep everyone instate or at least make for shorter trips.

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Apparently Dickinson and Bryan Mawr also have zero cases. What is the risk, here? And no plan for lightening up revealed to the students and no plan for the Fall. No answer whatsoever of any kind to any parent. Total lack of transparency, no accountability. Not what was promised or advertised as the special character of the school.

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Might I remind users of the forum rules:

“College Confidential forums exist to discuss college admission and other topics of interest. It is not a place for contentious debate. If you find yourself repeating talking points, it might be time to step away and do something else. Some topics, such as politics, religion and moderation on the forums, lend themselves to debate. If a thread starts to get heated, it might be closed or heavily moderated.”


The OP is unhappy with Haverford’s actions. We understood that the first time he stayed it. But the repetitious postings and the ensuring circular conversations are serving no purpose at this point. Let’s move the conversation forward with new info and/or allow new viewpoints.

If the circular conversation or debate continues, my next note will be to announce the thread’s closure.

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I’ll take your advice to heart, and only re-post if the administration answers any of us. Otherwise prospects and parents can assume that the stonewalling continues.

Conference play started yesterday