Haverford cancels spring season/Centennial League playing without them

So you support fear mongering I take it? You won’t find facts in the MSM, WHO, or CDC. Take some time to educate yourself truly. Dare to use critical thinking and logic in assessing all situations. Bias filters are not your friend.


Please share your unbiased, fact-based sources so we can all learn from you.

This situation is the result of a certain ideology. This ideology is quite complex and contains deficiencies in integrity, sincerity, and decency. It results in a pattern of behavior consistent with tyranny. Sadly it appears to be hardwired, as open two-way dialog becomes impossible due to both active and automated censorship (also witnessed on this forum). Beyond that, a lack of willingness to engage seems to be the last resort tool when faced with unpleasant “dissension.” The pattern is quite clear and one needs only to look back to the strike to see the previous data point.

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Good luck with the post-Haverford world. Luckily, you have the intelligence to resolve these issues.

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Ah, point proven perhaps? “Check your premises.” You might consider Atlas Shrugged and 1984, as they might help.

Well, you cannot say I did not say what would happen. Closing thread.

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