Having Trouble Adjusting to College/Making friends? Top 10 things to do (Covid Update, Fall '20)

Oh goodie, these are good advice! I have a couple questions though.

  1. If I need help, what should I say or do when I ask a classmate for help?
  2. When it comes to being open and talking to other students on the campus, where should I go to schedule a little activity like that on my floor?

I want to have fun in college, even if I am falling behind, I still want to smile, I want to have fun and open up. I want to be a new me!

  1. What kind of help do you mean? Homework? "Did you figure out #59A for Calculus? I got the rest but not that one.
  2. You could ask your RA...or if there is some kind of group chat app like Groupme you could get your floormates to use...or even old fashioned Sign near the elevator "Pizza and screening of "" on Wednesday night at 8:00. Talk to a few people near you to see if you can get a few people to come.

Would church be a bad idea if I’m not religious?

Churches are open to people who are exploring that religion…If you are okay with listening to what goes on there and respectfully questioning…I see no problem. If you think religion is stupid, then no.

Many colleges have non-denominational churches. They tend to be very welcoming and host pelnty of events that aren’t centered around services. I would look at your school’s website and see what types of events they offer. @SuperGeo5999

Join any group. Find one that has something in common with you and your ideals. For instance my nephew joined Wranglers at UT Austin his freshman fall semester and now all his best friends are from that organization. He said he loved it because he could be himself and have all these guys with similar interests who he got to be around at various events every week. He has a solid base of friendship of over 20 guys after one semester in a city where he originally knew nobody.

@wizman631 I’ll be your friend

Also check out: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/2016222-to-those-who-feel-lonely-homesick-friendless-think-they-chose-the-wrong-school-etc.html#latest

Many of them experience the same problem in their college time. But don’t worry, it is only for some days. One you get good friends in your college time, you will enjoy tour college life a lot.

Thanks for the tips they are gonna help

It is easy to tell somebody to do something but when it comes to action. None of the advices seem to be working. But getting along well with roommate is possible cz you need to meet them every single day having a chance to interact with them.

College life is the best part of life according to my observations.


Helpful tips. Thank you.

go to as many activities as you can. Ask people in your hall way if they are going. Introduce yourself…they are looking for friends too

Can’t believe no one has said this yet, but Tinder / Hinge / Coffee Meets Bagel dating apps… can make friends on campus through those :slight_smile:

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College is an potentially exciting and great time of life, but it is also a lot of hard work, and it isn’t necessarily “the best time of life.” Seriously, do you really want the “best” to be over by the age of 22/23??? Your college “experience” Is your “experience” and it is different for everyone.

I did most of these things for my 4 year college and still had a hard time adjusting even got a job first semester. I am now transferring. What’s your advice for mid year transfer students?


I still think it is the same type of things…see if there are any official transfer orientations…if so you can meet the other transfers if nothing else.
Otherwise you need to take the same active steps …if you are living in a dorm, ask the RA if there are any activities that the dorm does. Ask your roommate to introduce you to people. Ask people “I just transfered here…what are some unique things to do around campus?”

Join Intramural teams or join clubs or form study groups and the like.

For a Fall 2020 update of suggestions during the pandemic, please check this out: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/2195006-how-to-meet-people-on-campus-during-covid-p1.html?new=1