<p>DS got into Hampton this weekend! Yay. Still waiting for other letters but it is nice to have one in the bag.</p>
<p>Got a little concerned though when I read about Hampton's rules. It's like its the 1950s or something (when even I was not around--smile). Is it the same for other HBCUs or is it a Hampton thing?</p>
<p>It might depend on what the rules are. I know Spelman’s rules are a little retro during the orientation session. The freshman must wear skirts, they can’t leave campus and they’re required to learn historical facts and the like.</p>
<p>My friend’s daughter was a bit put upon with Hampton’s rules, but she is in her last year, so she adjusted.</p>
<p>My daughter is at Howard and the rules aren’t nearly as rough as Hampton. They do, however, have visitation rules for the dorms, and iirc, visitation didn’t start until a month after classes started. </p>
<p>Heck…my husband and I just left Howard yesterday, and while we had that time from checkout of the hotel to catch the train, we visited the dorm and we were subjected to visititation rules!!!</p>
<p>All of the HBCUs are very conservative when it comes to things like visitation rules and drinking on campus. That’s because in general black parents of college bound students are more conservative than are white parents.</p>
<p>He has not been to visit yet. I am just thrilled to have one “in the bag”. The school meets his educational goals (business and communications) and looks to have a decent placement record in the types of jobs he might be interested in. All in all, it’s a good thing. I had no idea it was as selective as it is.</p>
<p>Now we just are waiting to see what other choices might present themselves.</p>
<p>“All of the HBCUs are very conservative when it comes to things like visitation rules and drinking on campus.”</p>
<p>That doesn’t conflict with my memory, although I would not have noticed, but back then at least, marijuana ( and the male dorms ) must have been a whole 'nother story…</p>
<p>Yes, students use pot at HBCUs as some students do everywhere, but the administrations are conservative. I’m not aware of any HBCUs that allow on-campus drinking no matter how old students are.</p>
<p>Northstarmom, you don’t think use of THC is higher or more tolerated? Of course my experience is primarily with Howard, but looking back ( '70’s) , I find it pretty striking what was tolerated on campus and in some of the dorms ( NOT The “Quad”, the girls freshman dorms… I didn’t live there until I was the dorm doc in medical school). It seems the equivalent to how ETOH is tolerated at my D’s school now.</p>