<p>I'm a rising senior from a competitive public high school in Ohio, ranked 4th in the state;</p>
<p>White, Catholic, Male.</p>
GPA: W 3.95
ACT: 30 - but retaking this week
SAT II's - US Hist: World Hist: Lit:
AP: 7 by end of Senior year, only score so far is APUSH (4)</p>
-Secretary of NHS
-Advisor for Model U.N. - as well as Outstanding Delegate, and winner of Current Events Contest for 2 years.
-Elected to Cabinet (Student Gov.) 4 years in a row
-Youth Group leadership team</p>
-7+ campaigns: 1 presidential, 1 senate, 3 congressional, 1 city council, 1 state senate.
-After-school club for inner city students
-School camp counselor for 6th graders, 3 years, 180 service hours
-Catholic summer camp counselor, 150 service hours</p>
<p>thanks everybody!</p>
<p>yeah i think you have a great shot. Make sure to visit the school and have an interview.</p>
<p>I agree. It looks like you’ve got a decent shot to me. Not to mention that HC is really big on ‘men and women for others’…volunteering, that is, and you’ve got plenty of that. As erocknroll212 said, please make sure to get an interview and to visit the school, as that really only helps your chances. :)</p>
<p>Thanks! Are interviews offered around the country, or just on campus?</p>
<p>Pretty much anywhere in the country you can be interviewed by an alumnus. They have a program which works through alumni to conduct interviews. I did one last year in Virginia.</p>
<p>More info on interviews (because our website is pretty nifty :P) :[url=<a href=“http://www.holycross.edu/admissions/visit/interviews.html]Interviews[/url”>http://www.holycross.edu/admissions/visit/interviews.html]Interviews[/url</a>]</p>
<p>I checked out the alumnus request form, and it tells me that the date to request alumnus interviews is already passed (from Dec. 1st). Which, to my belief, should not be true any more, considering it’s summer now…so I’d probably just contact admissions to see what they can do for you.
<p>Good luck!</p>