I’ve heard some mention the Actor’s Lab for headshot prints. Do you need to have the name/border setup?
Your name needs to be somewhere on your photo if there is a possibility it could be separated from the attached resume. Some schools did make separate stacks of resumes and photos. So just make sure if your head shot is floating around by itself somewhere they know who it is! The border is not necessary. But it is not expensive to do either.
We just recently used Actor’s Lab for our D’s headshots. Our photographer had already done both the border and our D’s name on the digital version she sent us, but I believe they’ll do it for you at Actor’s Lab for $10. Or like vvnstar said, you can have just the name but no border…I don’t remember if there is a lesser fee for that. They are extremely courteous on the phone, and their work was fast and high quality. We highly recommend them!
I actually meant you could put the name on the back of the photo by yourself either with a self-adhesive label you print (which I would recommend as it would look more professional) or last resort, write your name on the back. If using a label, I’d also recommend putting your contact info in case they want to reach you and have separated your photo from your resume. if you are going to print a name on the photo, I think in most cases it is best to do so using a border as the name could get lost in the photo if printing it over the photo itself.