HEELLLLPPP!!! Before the night is over!

<p>I just finished my SHC app but how do i submit it? I hit submit tab and it says: </p>

<p>This page allows you to submit your official Schreyer Honors College Application. Please be certain that you have reviewed your application and are ready to submit it.</p>


<p>Before you may submit your Schreyer Honors College Application, you must submit your online application for admission to Penn State University. Once you have submitted your Penn State application, you may submit your completed Schreyer Honors College Application.</p>

<p>The problem is that there is no submit button here and I have already applied to penn state and and been accepted. HEELLLPPP!!!</p>

<p>ehh not sure about that one. try going through and making sure you filled everything out. thats what you risk when you wait til the last minute…</p>

<p>LOL…no submit button…</p>

<p>I don’t know what to tell you. I am submitting my SHC app before midnight and will post back if you want.</p>

<p>^Just hope you see the button!</p>

<p>The only thing I can suggest is filling out the application on a different computer</p>

<p>Or in a different browser. Sometimes I have to view pages in Internet Explorer, not my default browser which is Firefox, for all applications to appear. Just a thought…</p>

<p>hit refresh?</p>

<p>FUUUUKKKKKKKK!!! Refresh doesn’t work, I only have Internet explorer, other computer shows the same thing. Guess who’s gonna kill himself tonight.</p>

<p>Wait are you having the same problem…now I am very worried.</p>

<p>I just tried…there must be a button somewhere. Could it be because I had submiited my regular app in today also?</p>

<p>Listen to those that have trouble. I may have found the solution and if not I feel your pain. Start from the beginning and press save and continue until it takes you to the end. AT which point you should see a page where it asks for your initials and payment. Hope this helps and best of luck.</p>

<p>maybe try emailing admissions and explain to them what happened?
thats the only thing i can come up with… :-/</p>

<p>jeez. Talk about last minute guys. </p>

<p>If all else fails call (don’t email) the SHC office tommorrow and beg to be considered in the first wave of applicants.</p>

<p>i’ve done that a million times, still no damn button.</p>

<p>I ran into this last night, here’s what I think your problem is:</p>

<p>On the left sidebar, there should be checks by essay questions, supplemental questions, and teacher recs, but you probably don’t have one by “Application Information.” Go back to that tab and press the continue button, and there should be a check next to it then. Then the “Submit” tab should have a box for your initials, then pressing the continue button will take you to the PSUPay system.</p>

<p>Thank you very much bahamut277. It worked. It almost didn’t, after submitting the credit card info an error came up and i was about to flip ***** but but I tried it again and it worked.</p>

<p>glad this worked out for you!</p>

<p>congratsssss, really waiting til the last minute i respect it lol</p>