Heip with Decision?? Michigan or Northeastern?

<p>My d is from Boston area and is deciding between Northeastern and Michigan. We just visited Michigan and it was wonderful! I actually thought Northeastern had a more impressive nursing program and a more dynamic panel and she ultimately wants to work in Boston? Any thoughts?</p>

<p>If she is serious about wanting to work in Boston then Northeastern. My understanding is that it’s just about impossible to get hired by a Boston hospital unless you have gone to one of the area schools.<br>
BUT - if she wants to go to an amazing school with a great Big 10 college experience then pick Michigan! GO BLUE! Not to mention a nursing school with a great reputation of course.</p>

<p>Thanks Shanghai Mom! Everything you said is true! So hard a decision to make! Going to Michigan would be more fun but much harder to nail that Boston job! Ultimately she will make the choice and knows all this.</p>

<p>Just to update, my daughter went to Northeastern and has loved it!! She is in her first coop at Mass general hospital as a PCA and it has been an excellent experience.</p>

<p>She should definitely go to Michigan. (Just kidding)</p>

<p>Location of BSN may be less important if she’s planning for NP school directly after. She could go to a school in Boston for grad school. Not sure if this applies in your case.</p>

<p>Also, out-of-state tuition is super high at Mich and being that it’s a public school she may not get much grant/scholarship. Northeastern is private so aid could be better there.</p>

<p>Another consideration: How sure is she about nursing? You know the stats on how many freshmen change majors. I know that at Michigan, at least in the past, nursing program would start freshman year and go for four years. Perhaps Northeastern’s nursing major starts later and would allow more time to explore in the first year. Something to check out.</p>

<p>My D received a call from the Dean of Nursing at Northeastern last night to congratulate her on her acceptance and scholarship and even gave us her personal cell number, if we had any questions about the program. I must say I wish my D had received a lot more merit aid, as we are definitely interested and impressed. It was a very nice conversation, genuine warmth and it made a big impression. Now DH is trying to figure out how we can afford it.</p>

<p>[Need-blind</a> admission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“Need-blind admission - Wikipedia”>Need-blind admission - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>According to wikipedia at least, UMich meets full need.</p>

<p>Many public universities meet full need of in-state students, but not out of state students. The only 2 public universities that say they meet the full need of out of state students are UVa and UNC-CH. </p>

<p>Many public universities think of out of state students as cash cows.</p>

<p>UM is better ranked. My DD is going to UM nursing, but we are in-state. She also wants to get a MS down the road, so UM makes sense for her. But NE is a really good school. We were considering applying for it when we wanted DD to pursue pharmacy, but in the end she wanted to be a doctor or a nurse. We didn’t want her to be a doctor (too hard). So we told her to be nurse and marry a doctor.</p>

<p>LOL - once she’s a nurse she won’t want to marry a doctor!!</p>


<p>Really? Are you speaking from experience? I thought I read somewhere 30% doctors’ wives are nurses. I am dreaming about a doctor, son-in-law someday. I hope it’s not daydreaming.</p>

<p>My nurse friend, married a doctor. And has been happily married for 25+ years now, 2 kids and they both work in their fields. …could have quit working, but loves nursing. So romantic! And he is a pathologist/ME…</p>