Hello. This is a future screenwriter who is having pain to choose his school between UCSD and UCI

From what I have researched, which is not that much, UCSD is a more productive school than UCI in terms of filmmaking. I have read many comments regarding UCI as a theoretical school. However, when I directly went through the catalogs I could find out that UCSD is productive, but it is more about the overall filmmaking.
UCSD had many classes that cover lighting, sound system, drawing, and all other computer techniques for filmmaking, which I am not really interested in, since what I am really into is writing, not those physical skills.
I know that UCSD has some screenwriting programs either, however, it seemed like that I should take more than several classes that really do not attract me.
It is pretty much obvious that I would like to go to UCI than UCSD, however since I do not want to regret this decision, I would like to ask you guys which one would be a wiser choice.
Thank you.

P.S. I am also going to apply master degree when I graduate.


Seriously, there’s not a wrong answer here.