Help a Brotha Out

<p>I'm in high school right now and am curious about which colleges have a nice hot indian chick population, being an indian myself. Do any of the prestigious schools have hot indian girls such as Georgetown or Penn?</p>

<p>Can you even get into those two schools?</p>

<p>I’m south asian (paki not indian but ehh we’re all brown on the outside and pink on the inside :D) anyway it’s not like all the hot indian chicks flock to one school, but you’ll find more in the Northeast, so Penn and Gtown should be good. I go to NYU and there’s tons of south asians here, so apply as a safety in case you don’t get into Penn/Gtown. but like girls of any other color, most will be average, some hot, some…not. happy hunting :)</p>

<p>I have a feeling that anyone who uses the word ‘brotha’ cannot get into GTown or Penn…</p>

<p>Here is a near exhaustive list of colleges with many Indian girls:
[Indian</a> Colleges/Institutes/Universities](<a href=“]Indian”>Indian Colleges/Institutes/Universities)</p>

<p>diontechristmas, I have a feeling that you are an idiot. People clearly shorten words on the internet…a lot.</p>

<p>try going to a school in India</p>



<p>Your feeling is laughably incorrect. What are you, his ‘brotha’?</p>

<p>I think that you guys ar a bunch of nerds man. I say brotha all the time and I bet I got a better qualifications to prestigious schools than u. U need to stop hatin on a G.</p>

<p>you’re not black</p>

<p>Replacing an ‘e’ with an ‘a’ and dropping the ‘r’ saves SOOOO much time. I doa’ kna wa moa peopa doa’ d ia.</p>

<p>its funny how a thread goes from one topic to something completely different…</p>

<p>sup wit u h8erzzz???</p>

<p>ha ha ha! it’s so funny how some people think that kids in good colleges don’t act like ignorant *******s. Boy are they in for a surprise!</p>


<p>Wow, you are insulting him because he wrote “Brotha”? It is slang, not a typo, it isn’t really said to save time, and it doesn’t make you stupid in anyway for saying it. And he has to be black to say it? Pure loser comments.</p>

<p>^ I don’t think he deserves be insulted for saying that either. Everyone knows it’s just slang and that it is -er instead of a. Hip hop slang is for everyone, not just blacks and slang does not make you stupid unless you say it in a completely inappropriate setting.</p>

<p>hahah I love how only like 3 people attempted to answer his question, and everyone else started debating the use of the slang word “brotha”…only on CC would this happen LOL :smiley: guys, just chill…it’s not like he used the word in a job interview, this is a freaking website full of teens.</p>

<p>Colgate, Bucknell, Trinity, Wake Forest, Bob Jones are all perfect matches</p>