Help a friend out...

<p>I have a friend whose dream is to attend the naval academy... She has excellent grades( all A's except for one B in Freshman year biology) with plenty of AP classes. She is basically fluent in Spanish and she is a navy brat as well. The only problem is she has been having issues with her parents lately and they made her quit her two most important ECs: mock trial and water polo. She is extremely worried this will ruin her chances for acceptance. I am urging her to get involved in clubs and stuff and she is going to help me with a large community service project but at this point does she still have a chance at attmitance? Any comments would be appreciated thank you</p>

<p>Viable academy applicants show leadership. Why was she forced by her parents to leave those ECs? Was she having difficulty balancing her school and ECs? Are you implying that her parents are irrational to force her to quit those? From your mssg, it seems to be punishment for something.</p>

<p>Regardless, she’s not w/o a chance assuming she can get great test scores and does well in the other qualfications. YOu might want to repost in the USNA sub forum too.</p>

<p>The reason she was forced to quit this activities is completely irrational. It was a punishment for attending one of those activities when she was grounded… And she will be happy to hear that thank you</p>